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‘Taught By Nature’
The Great Father Don’t Hunt By Jack Perry, a Head's up Link from Ishmael
© 2015 James LaFond
From October 9, 2014
Although this article is a year out of date, it contains timeless lessons for the man who might be involved in an evasive situation. What strikes me as telling when discussing survival of any kind is this:
To globalists, the concern of the people of any state, or of a state, with the survival of its own being, is considered archaic and fascistic.
To nationalists, the concern of ethically or racially identified people with the survival of their “tribe” is regarded as archaic and hateful.
To modern people, and to the government, any person who is concerned with physically surviving unusually bad times by way of preparing and training, is considered a danger to society, just by virtue of his existence.
And, among survivalists, from martial artists training to deal with weapon-restricted environments to hunters building rural enclaves against an end-time scenario, than individual operators such as myself, who coach one-on-one instead of running classes, and who do not identify themselves as part of a “gang” a “team” a “faith” or a “race” are regarded as a danger to the survivalist ethic.
This one way down-pushing collective ethic fascinates me, even as a bear the weight of it on my soldiers, as those like me are its object of jealous ire.
Wherever you fall in this hierarchy of autonomous envy, remember, that by cultivating the ability and means to survive, rather than entrusting that duty to the collective that would claim you, you make of yourself a mistrusted, and even hated, thing.
So, if we are going to be "lone wolf assholes" we might as well do it right. If something or someone is jealous of your autonomy do yourself a favor and checkout the link to Mister Perry’s article below.
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