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Vengeance with the Club
Case of Juvenile Justice
© 2015 James LaFond
This is an old account from the early 1960s, which occurred in the Belair-Edison neighborhood of Northeast Baltimore. Joey eventually joined the army and became an Army Times reporter in Vietnam, where he earned his purple belt in TaeKwonDo from members of the ROK Tiger Brigade.
Little Joey
#03-35: day, second, first-person aggressor
At age 14 Joey was beginning to get sick of being bullied by the likes of Darby, a 21-year-old who had just shook him down for his pocket change, and was not beyond putting out his cigarette on a boy’s chest.
“I picked up this two-by-four and hid behind a shed in the alley. When Darby walked by I took a full swing—I played baseball—and hit him square between the shoulder-blades. There was a good solid thud and he just fell forward and laid there like he was dead. I panicked and ran. I don’t think he ever knew who did it.”
In general, when clubs are used successfully by a smaller aggressor, stealth or surprise are involved, with a long-standing motivation tending to fuel more effective attacks than do spontaneous altercations.
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Bernie Hackett     Oct 22, 2015


Given the 2x4 usage I'm seeing here, maybe you oughts to do a booklet on it. "Putting the wood on folks for fun and no profit". Ought to attract the Roland Park crowd, what with the lacrosse reference.

I remember some comic doing a bit in which he said that he was gonna use a 2x4 he'd been soaking in some compound or other (thought he said motor oil) and smack somebody about the head and shoulders, with an eye toward rendering the person hors de combat, as we used to say on the Rue Bolton.I've got a USMC stick fighting manual(really!)somewhere around the estancia Hackett. This former Marine got it for me, long story.

I'm seeing commercial potential!

Whitetrashgamesh done struck again!

I keep hoping for the South to rise again, but they seem quiescent. Damn shame!

Link for tomahawks, Track of the wolf Inc. Your thoughts on tomahawks? I'm leaning towards towards the Iriqouis, myself.
James     Oct 23, 2015

A tomahawk is an excellent light weapon. Look into what Cold Steel has in their catalogue. I gave mine away and have a meat hook instead hanging from my radiator.

Yes, I am Whitetrashgamish...
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