The following are the full array of jabbing hand configurations for the boxer, encompassing foul and ring legal strikes, beginning with the simplest to learn technique and ending with the most difficult applications. Each application will be covered in its own section. This is the reference.
1. Touch, with the fingertips or the curve of the glove
2. Spear, with the jointed fingertips to the eye only
3. Thumb, to the eye only
4. Measuring with the fist or glove, also called “the nothing jab”*
5. Checking, with the cupped hand
6. Blind jab, with the palm down and the front knuckles to the eyes
7. Vertical or “sneaky” jab, with thumb up
8. Pronated or “power” jab with the palm down
9. Hyper-pronated , “corkscrew” or “cut” jab, with the thumb rotated down and the palm outward along a diagonal plane.
10. Supinated or “up” jab, with the palm up
*Tactically very similar to measuring with the palm or wrist, but mildly ballistic, a cross between measuring and touching.