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‘Brotherhood, Loyalty, Respect’
Baltimore Crime, Street Killer Gangs, Documentary 2013, DMI, Maryland’s White Identity Prison Gang
© 2015 James LaFond
“Predatory societies dominated by gangs,”
Who “…bust you head or stab you.”
This home grown Maryland prison gang, Dead Men Incorporated, began as a reaction to the dominance of black gangs in Baltimore Area prisons. Like most biker gangs and white-identified organizations, they ended up turning on themselves, and at the time of this documentary there were still DMI members that were not Caucasian.
They gave no background on the white guys they interviewed for this. But, they sound like dudes from Brooklyn and Curtis Bay, the tough whites from the south side of the Hanover Street Bridge. In 2009 I hired a man who had just been released from prison after doing ten years for stabbing a guy to death. He was a long-haired welterweight tattoo artist and had inked himself in prison with makeshift tools. At some point in the interview, I told him, “I understand you don’t want to speak about your reason for being in prison. But if you tell me the details, I’ll tell you about trying to cut a guy’s head off, and we’re clear.”
We told each other our “stabbing other white guys stories” and then I hired him. I offered him all the hours he could take and he worked with me all Thanksgiving week. He disappeared after Thanksgiving, but he was a hard working kid, and I could hear his psychologically damaged accent in the voices of Kern, and Little Kris.
Like any white identified group in Baltimore they have to contend with the whigger factor and will have trouble staying true to their racial code. I do not like gangs. However, any time you live in an area where the only gangs belong to the dominant group, and you are not a member of that dominant group, you are a hunted animal and nothing more. Baltimore needs white gangs to remain viable, just like it will soon need a Latino gang, if it has not already arrived.
Example: A guy I trained with is guard at the Baltimore City Juvenile Detention Center. All of the guards are black. All of the inmates, save two, are black. The one huge white boy is constantly harassed, and threatened by the black inmates and the black guards. The single small 14-year-old Salvadoran boy is left alone. The unspoken assumption is that he has men related to him—or gang affiliates—who will offer payback on the outside. If white gangs do not restore balance in Baltimore than Latino gangs eventually will.
‘When They Were Attacked’
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‘History as it Truly Was’
orphan nation
on combat
beasts of arуas
when you're food
song of the secret gardener
the combat space
menthol rampage
Nero The Pict     Oct 28, 2015


Seems a few of the guys interviewed in the documentary you posted are from the Dundalk area in addition to your South Baltimore/Brooklyn theory. A quick google search at least alludes to that point. Though it looks like

Mr. Hornberger looks like he is back behind bars. He and some chick were arrested back in 2014 in connection with a bunch of armed robberies in and around Dundalk.

Here's another article from 2011 about the founder of DMI.

To your point about Hispanic gangs in Baltimore...They are certainly there and have been for some time. At least ten years. I used to work with a bunch of Salvadoran guys not quite a decade ago. I would occasionally get invited to peoples birthday parties and after shift bar hopping. They really dug having some weird looking token cracker around.

One night we ended up at what had been the Tugboat Ann's. The bar that shift workers from the H and s bread plant in Fells Point used to frequent. Its name had been changed to Las Esperanzas ("the hopes, er dreams" my Spanish is rusty).

A bar/restaurant that catered to Fells Salvadoran population. My buddy Jose and I were knocking back beers. I was a little wobbly and my judgement was impaired. A couple of guys across from us got up to leave...I noticed that one had left a disposable camera on the table he was sitting at. I picked it up and followed them outside...Got their attention. I hadn't really noticed before (drunk and stupid) but they were covered in wall to wall tattoos. Face tattoos tear drops and MS-13 logos. They too were drunk and laughed about losing their camera. Took me back in the bar and bought me a shot. I would be a liar and say I wasn't a bit unnerved by the whole thing. Jose was also freaked out to put it mildly.

Doing construction in Northern Virginia I would see MS graffiti all the time. I'm sure they are in Baltimore at this point.

The Mexicans and Salvadorans I worked with absolutely hated blacks. More than they hated each other (No mean feat). Most of them lived up in North Highlandtown around Monument Street and Highland Ave. Many a Mexican has been rolled or mugged by gangs of feral black youths.

Most of the guys I worked with all of the years ago formed their own tide of "Tan Flight" and moved up to apartments in Cockeysville and Lutherville.

The last time I went swimming at Beaver Dam (a public swimming hole in Hunt Valley) was like being in Central America....That was close to 8 years ago. Wonder what its like now?
James     Oct 29, 2015

Thanks for the info!

You know, The Guys from south of the Key Bridge down to Brooklyn have a lot of connections in Old Dundalk, Saint Helena and down Dunmanway back to Bear Creek. I used to work in a supermarket run by and staffed by the entire defunct Brooklyn store [they had lost the lease.] The manager's son was a bookie who employed actual leg breaking Italian goons for collections services!

My last trip into Highlandtown was two months ago and I sat next to a Honduran Pimp. They definitely have some gang activity among the Salvadorans but I don't have solid proof and the BPD deny it, absolutely. From what you have just written it seems Trump was right. I have coached one Mexican who moved here from Columbia [20 miles towards Virginia] because MS13 was trying to recruit him after he shanked a black who batted him in school. He was expelled from school for stabbing one of the two blacks that attacked him with a bat, and they were not disciplined. The most reasonable explanation for the corrections staff and black junior thugs not messing with the lone Salvadoran is that MS13 is in Baltimore.
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