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‘Why Aren’t There More Female Villains?’
A Man Question from Malcolm about Writing Fiction
© 2015 James LaFond
A young black fellow I work with has been writing and running story ideas by me as of late. Recently he became inspired by my novella, Winter and spoke to me at length about this as we sorted our orders last night. His computer is down right now, so he won’t be able to read this. Beneath his question is my best recollection of my answer.
“I’ve been working on this story with my brother and we want to do a female villain. But, is there a reason why there aren’t any female villains, and if they are it’s the one with the goddess complex, not a Lilith type demoness? Really, the more I think of it its weirding me out, afraid maybe I’ve missed something. Why aren’t there more female villains?”
“It’s simple. Traditionally most authors in your genre [fantasy] have been white men, who have typically worshipped women. Now they are being supplanted by female authors, who worship their feminist self-image. So there is no real reference point for a female villain in the postmodern construct, whose adherents are busy either defying the earth as a cosmic goddess, or reshaping the image of the omniscient deity along less threatening masculine lines. If more black dudes wrote fantasy we’d have more female villains. So put it out there brother—shake up the template.”
Malcolm thought long and hard, rubbing his chin, paced nervously for a few seconds, and said, “Yeah, I can see that—but, my mother will probably read it. Now my brother, my brother has had like a million insane bitch girlfriends—totally off the hook, one more insane than the other. So I’ll have him come up with the female villain and I’ll write the dialogue!”
‘Do You Write to Music?’
author's notebook
Note to the Reader
fiction anthology one
solo boxing
the year the world took the z-pill
dark, distant futures
crag mouth
the fighting edge
into leviathan’s maw
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 29, 2015

Yeah that's the ticket! We need more female villains. If women truly want equality in all things then they should get equal time at being the bad guy.

A female villain would be especially implacable and terrifying. One thing I have noticed about bad girls in real life is that not only must they have their way in all things, but everyone else around them must be happy with the fact that they got their way. And say so. They never let up on you. You cannot fight back against them in the same straightforward way you can against than a male opponent. Society expects you to show females forbearance and mercy that you would not be expected to show against a male enemy. That all makes them too scary by far!

Of course that will be a hard sell to a publisher since in today's PC culture you are NEVER supposed to "punch down" and criticize or ridicule officially recognized "oppressed" groups, particularly women. You must ALWAYS "punch up" and criticize or ridicule "privileged" groups, particularly Christian, heterosexual white men. I imagine then for a female villain to be acceptable to the SJWs who control the popular culture she would have to be made very Un-PC and therefore very unlikeable. She would have to be white, blonde, racist, homophobic, an industrialist, a global warming denier and Nazi or KKK. A "BT-1000" on the other hand would probably not be an acceptable villain: "It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."
James     Oct 29, 2015

Yes—the Tyrantess, after her victory, must see that we are glad, and if our idiot grin of bliss wavers...
Sam     Oct 29, 2015

This pedastalization of women has slipped its bonds in pursuit of a death wish. Bunch of military wonks are so afraid to tell women to fuck off that they continue to make the military into a place in which no man would want to serve.

F/Small Wars Journal; "Changing the “Macho” Male Culture of the US Military"

Fun quote:

“It isn’t really about ending sexual assault; it’s about controlling people and changing behavior. Men have the advantage in almost every way, so we have to find ways to cut into that advantage. Making traditional male behavior something that is socially unacceptable will cut their advantage. We have to make it unacceptable for men to talk the way they talk now, act the way they act now, and interact the way they do with women now, and have traditionally.” Hyping sexual assault statistics, making women fearful of men, and building a system that finds men guilty until proven innocent are simply means to the greater end of “cutting male advantage.”
bernie Hackett     Oct 29, 2015

My sympathy to Malcolms brother. Some of us just draw them.

Perhaps a thinly disguised Mrs. Clinton, pulling her Macbethian strings from the middle of her web of evil?

I like the description as how a SJW sees all us E-vile people. Burn down the friggin' rain forest!

Well, I gottta go kick a puppy.

Jeremy Bentham     Nov 1, 2015

Here’s a real-life example of a female villain for you: a female mad sniper. One Brenda Ann Spencer, age 16. Just cute as a button. She was, in fact, the very first juvenile school shooter in America. In 1979 she murdered two adults and wounded eight children with a .22 caliber rifle. When apprehended her justification for the rampage was “I don’t like Mondays”.

Her case inspired rocker Bob Geldof to compose the song “I Don’t like Mondays” for The Boomtown Rats.

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