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‘Put Your Hands Behind Your Back’
Officer Ben Fields “assaults” High School Student, Columbia South Carolina
© 2015 James LaFond
I was told that this girl had previously punched the officer. If that was the case, than this becomes marginally understandable, though I still see it as a needless use of force.
In the second angle, at 31 seconds, the girl clearly slaps him from a poor leverage position in a very girly way.
Not being in danger of a KO from this little wench, this officer should have let himself be slapped more effectively, let the violence build, and then slammed the girl for real, since the media was going to call anything he did to put her on the back a slam in any case. These cops have a lot of experience dealing with domestic violence. Why can’t they just realize, that with a smart phone in every hand, they are going to essentially be the husband in a domestic violence case and be judged by the world, and then take the advice they would give the husbands they counsel and use minimal force, while making certain witnesses see her being violent? Is that asking too much of the pig imagination?
I am much smaller than this man and have quietly walked off large women be merely applying my grip to their soft wrist, a hand to the shoulder and calmly talking in the ear, in much the same way I have handled large dogs which were unruly.
The BPD chopper is overhead again.
This fellow seem quite strong and athletic. I understand that separating this little pest from her chair might have been hard. After all, the parents of today’s children teach them how to resist arrest in hopes of landing a big civil suit after their unwanted child gets jacked up by some pig.
He could have easily cradled the desk and carried the girl out in the chair, which would have drawn laughs and made the girl an object off baby-like derision.
What about enlisting the aid of the large male teacher in a calm effort at removing the girl?
What I do not understand is why a female officer was not called to handle this. This is just a public school—nothing is being learned. The children are just practicing for prison and telemarketing jobs. Call a dyke cop.
There is also the question of experience and training. This pig did not seem to be acting emotionally in a rage, but rather going through the same brutal motions he has obviously gone through before, probably with large adult make criminals, and seems to have conducted himself according to a sort of rote form once the dilemma of removing the hoodrat from the chair was solved.
Having a cop like this, who looks like he should be cleaning out bars, and laying down the law with a black partner in some ghetto, police school kids, in what seems a much less ghetto environment than the Baltimore city schools, appears to be a misallocation of human resources.
Why was there not a female teacher present to keep the cop clear of any bogus rape charges out in the hallway?
The part that I found most unreasonable was his tossing of the chair nearly onto the good girl seated behind the hoodrat. The more I look at this the more assigning this jock cop to police a school seems like giving a boxer a bouncing job and then wondering why he incurred liabilities for his employer. He is obviously conditioned to working in a more dangerous environment than this classroom.
I see the root of this problem being that we have a society where it is regarded as normal for a younger teenage girl dressed in a feminine manner—with no apparent dyke aspirations—to slap a police officer who is demanding she accompany him out of the classroom. The icing on this cake is that the officer’s actions and resulting media circus will encourage such behavior.
What do we say about a society that requires police in school?
Is that not a police state?
Is it a failed society?
Should people who require armed supervision to learn be given a free education?
Do these school children require armed supervision because—at least in part—their parents are products of these very same institutions?
As for the fate of the officer. If it is a poor one than he is an example of a man with weak will and lack of character being brought down by his own power-skewed judgment.
He has proven weak and should justly fall.
This pig did serve one important function. He will make my next attackers feel better about my demise than they otherwise would. Thank you, Office Mashed Potatoes and Meatloaf.
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Jeremy Bentham     Oct 30, 2015

There was an interesting development in this case. Students at the school staged a protest supporting the fired deputy.

Could it be that the students themselves have grown weary of the antics of the proto-BT 1000s in their midst? Are they then appreciative of someone, anyone, willing to confront and subdue one of them? "It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." When is some "adult" going to come along and put a stop to this foolishness?
Bernie Hackett, Jr.     Oct 30, 2015


Nobody wins in this one.

Another innocent teen becomes a martyr to the evil po-leece.

Also, really agree he shoulda called for a female officer to handle the situation, as whatever he did, he loses.

I'm a MAN, and I can handle it! Boy, are you deluded, Officer Friendly. Where have you been the last decade, or so?

Additionally, the principal should have called the innocent childs parent(s) to come and get her, first, as she was being suspended. Let them deal with it.If there is no unanimity of purpose amongst all the players, maintaining discipline, then anything goes. Can't have it both ways, Tiffany.

Part of the ongoing problem, is that school systems get FedBucks, depending on the number of inmates(oops) STUDENTS on the rolls. Numbers game. Counterproductive to suspensions and expulsions, as back in the OLD days. Act up, defy authority, it's off you go, and good luck with the rest of your life.

Nowadays, there aren't a lot of no skilled jobs for the academically uninterested, not to mention the issue of drugs.

Friend of mine has a neighbor who is a longshoreman.

What with most cargo now being containerized, not as physically demanding as before, and pays well. He has a problem getting and keeping new hires, as they test positive initially, so no go, and subsequently, after being hired. I wouldn't want to be under a container being lowered by some dude who's on something, myself.

So, a lot of folks are caught in the transition, where industrial Amurika is changing, and they have no clue, or future.

Not a happy picture, is it?
Don     Oct 30, 2015

I agree with your thoughts on this incident. I also think that the cop was acting out of frustration for having to work in such an environment. It would piss me off to have to deal with students that have no desire to learn, are constantly disruptive, and aspire no higher then collecting welfare. However, I would never allow myself to lose control, especially around witnesses. It would have to be a matter of my life or death before I would jack someone like he did that girl. He defeated himself.
Sam     Nov 1, 2015

I know it must be frustrating to deal with people so disrespectful and in many cases completely worthless but there's no excuse for behaving as he did. He gets PAID to do this. He can go elsewhere if he so wishes. The ghetto rats are FORCED to be there. Whether they should be there at all is a different question and totally unrelated to the fact that they are forced to be there or be thrown in jail.

If you stop to think about it the President of the US has people talking shit to and about him constantly and we would think him out of his mind if every time someone disrespected him they were thrown on the ground. Why are the police better than the President?

I think you've said it correctly in your post "Do I look Crazy?, "...a man who would want to be a cop in Baltimore City was either looking for violent adventure, or was a weak-minded person who had failed to impose his will in his youth..."

There's a lot of cops now who shouldn't be cops. Also a lot their training has been taken over by Isrаeli cops. They're training our police to treat us like Palestinians.

What I saw was he grabbed her by the neck before she pushed on him or almost simultaneously. Why people should be allowed to choke you and throw you on the ground because you're bored in class escapes me.

It's tough to call these things. I realize the police have a tough job but I don't believe that because of that they should be able to treat everyone around them like peasants to be tossed about on a whim.
James     Nov 13, 2015

This was an excellent comment, Sam.

I've been all over the place on this one, and I think you've made more sense of it than I have.
SidVic     Nov 3, 2015

Did the girl get hurt? No?

I know i am an outlier but i really don't think it looks like a big deal. Sorta a funny scene. Guy that size could have taken that kids head off if he was really trying.
James     Nov 8, 2015

I find myself all over the place with this, agreeing with just about everyone.

What I must say, is that the other students seemed well behaved. In Baltimore they would have been jumping around cussing.
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