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Note to the Reader
On Comments and Content
© 2015 James LaFond
I am currently experiencing vision problems. This will have three effects over the course of the week or two which it requires to address the failure of this part:
1. Content will be reduced, by what measure I do not know. I can write and proof in whatever size font I want. However, the uploading process requires me to deal with small type.
2. I can approve comments but cannot read them, so there will be no comment answers for some time. I can see the blue approve icon and click on it, but cannot read the backend text. This is already ongoing.
3. Since I cannot read the backend text there will be some resulting typos, as that takes one more look away from my self-editing process.
Sorry for any inconvenience. I’ll get glasses as soon as possible.
Thanks for your support.
‘Why Aren’t There More Female Villains?’
author's notebook
Randy The Skewer: Part One
z-pill forever
thriving in bad places
on combat
the lesser angels of our nature
winter of a fighting life
america the brutal
Hdob     Nov 4, 2015

I know you can't read this but maybe someone who has your phone number will. You can zoom your screen by holding ctrl and pressing +. Ctrl and - will zoom up and ctrl 0 (the number zero) will restore default.

Good luck friend.
James     Nov 8, 2015

Thank you!

I've got a pair of glasses that are like 10 years old that I finally found—this was pretty stupid, just losing my glasses and having my eyes blow up.

I did get more writing doesn't than usual as it turns out by using a 16 point Times Roman on my word files and then just not proofing them on the back end.

I will use this +ctrl trick.

Thanks again, man.
Riley     Nov 6, 2015

Ach, James,

A writer is a reader, so this is a problem. Your site has come to be a bit of a refuge for me, and this is distressing.

Your recent targeting of the decline of white culture struck a chord, since I know it well. On one side was Captain Bass, head of security on the Mayflower. On the other, a nameless Irish indentured servant ( slave ) at Williamsburg who ran off.

My great G'father was a slave holder in Mississippi who fought the yankee-dog invasion and wound up in prison. He walked home from Ohio, gave each slave family 100 acres and lived out his life as a respected man. He once killed a black man, shooting from his horse this fellow who had leapt at him with a lighter-wood knot. The regret from that was what killed him in 1914. Today, families still live on these 100 acre plots. As one talks to them, one notices the blue and grey eyes; a legacy of the yankee cavalry who raped the slave women, re-enslaved the men to shift their baggage and plunder and humiliated my G'Grandmother and her daughters. I am not a fan of yankees myself, and only know one worth shooting. I hates the states, and they have become the godless filth the Confederacy saw so long ago.

Thank you for Howard, who I would have never read without your urging. What a wonderous voyage through madness. Thank you for clearing up certain issues with stick fighting. Thank you especially for the input from Charm City. Wow!

So Saturday I am gone to Cambodia for awhile. They don't wear shorts, don't touch other peoples' heads or show the soles of their feet. I should be comfortable there, being a redneck.

You should enjoy your trip to Wyoming. It is the sort of country where a T-Rex galloping around a corner would not seem out of place. Ignore Colorado, which has become Cali East and horrible.

So luck to us all as we blunder along. Thanks for what you are doing.
James     Nov 8, 2015

Thank you, Riley,

Really, the one thing that most Americans have in common is the family history of surviving evil. Thanks for sharing your history. I am really thrilled that you have found interests on this site on the physical and cerebral side.

Have a great time in Cambodia and keep in touch.
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