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Graphomania Guilt
Nonfiction News: A Dread Grace and A Once Great Medieval City
© 2015 James LaFond
I have just begun writing two new large books on the site, even as my eyes blow up. I’m not insane—not yet, it’s this green tea with ginger, I swear. I have decided on streamlining the number of titles I am writing concurrently, 23 being kind of steep.
I am wrapping up and compiling three Harm City titles, The Boned Zone, Equidistant Drowning Babies and Let the Weak Fall [which is admittedly a fighting book too]. The other Harm City titles When Your Job Sucks, The Poor Tour and The Ghetto Gourmet are longer term projects. The bulk of my Harm City content will show up in A Once Great Medieval City, which I plan on making my ongoing title, just breaking it into volumes as I hit 500 pages, which is the pain-in-the-ass cut off for the POD platform I use.
With Of Lions and Men done, and Let the Weak Fall and Dark Art of An Aryаn Mystic almost done, I will be combining A Dread Grace [previously titled The Allure of Achilles] with When White Meant Might, which will provide the anecdotes for the narrative.
These two projects are the result of reader requests and comments, and I hope they make your reading more informative and enjoyable. Thanks for your patience and your support.
Randy The Skewer: Part One
author's notebook
‘The Galactic Center’
masculine axis
honor among men
the fighting edge
winter of a fighting life
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