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‘Go Dad!’
A Case Study in Social [Non-Predatory] Horizontal Aggression
© 2015 James LaFond
Also, An Illustration of the Inadvisability of Engaging in Road Raging
The tribal element to this encounter was minimal, but present. In the 1990s in Baltimore, there was no difference in the way that Puerto Rican and white men were treated by law enforcement, therefore the actions of the whites cannot reasonably be expected to have been motivated by a belief that a third-party hierarchal response by police would favor them. There was also minimal animosity between the groups, with Puerto Ricans attached to white, black and other Latino groups in larger scale social activities and generally mixing well—with a few psychotic exceptions...
Link Sanchez
#25-04: night, under a minute, eye-witness
“This involved my father—a completely unreasonable individual. I don’t associate with the man since he threw me down the basement stairs. Six foot, two-twenty. Ex-Marine, black belt in kartate. A very bad mutherfucker. He fought twenty Mexicans at the Latino Festival once—a big fucking Puerto Rican!
“We’re driving up Light Street by the Inner Harbor when these two fucking whiteboys pull up at the light and start talking shit; big fucking muscleheads. But they’re white! Like how many white guys can really fight? I’m not white, but I’m not a niցցer either. I’m Spanish. White chicks are great. I hate niցցers, and white guys can be cool—but who told ‘em they could fight? Sure, some can. I had some friends in the Fourth Reich that were tough. But in general, whiteboys should stick to wife-beating—that’s what they’re good at.
“These guys are getting out of their car—big mutherfuckers—and one of them has a pipe; the passenger, and we’re on the right. Dad says, ‘stay here’ gets out, kicks the door shut on this guy and beats the fuck out of him until the other guy gets around. Then he drives a side kick into this fucker’s chest and puts him down.
“It was beautiful baby. I’m sitting there yelling, ‘Go dad! Kick their fucking asses! Fuck ‘em up!’ A shame I didn’t have any popcorn. He’s standing over the guy he kicked, beating his ass. Then the other dude is getting up, so he goes over and beats him back down into the ground!
“It was a beautiful night. The city is all lit up. I’m jamming to some tunes on the radio, and I’m watching two exquisite ass kickings. Well, that man gets back into the car and we pull off while they’re crawling back into their car. They thought they were tough. He knew he was tough.”
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