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‘Freddy the Frog’
A Case Study in Social Heretical Aggression
© 2015 James LaFond
In this case a group of white men who have been made to leave from a bar by the security personnel come back to challenge the mixed-race bouncers, back in the days when it was conceivable for a white Baltimorean to behave in a manner that is now exclusively the prevue of blacks. If the bouncers back down, call the cops, or lose this fight, than their ability to keep order, and the viability of the business, will suffer. This type of thing, managing drunken venues, is closer to Old West or Frontier law enforcement than what modern law enforcement has become, and has significant tribal overtones. There is nothing predatory about this, as it was a classic confrontation. In bio-mechanical terms Raphael is listed as the aggressor. However, in terms of social interaction, he was on the defensive.
#57-10: night, first person aggressor
Raphael and four other bouncers had earlier ejected 6 muscle-heads. One had told Raphael that he would come back for him. Raphael had just began pocketing a car antenna so that he could extend it and utilize his arnis skills in self-defense situations.
“The club officially closes at two a.m. As I came out at about three a.m. I didn’t see them. They were parked round the side. As I head to my car, he comes around to my left running his mouth, ‘This, en this, en this—I’m gonna kick your butt.’ And so on.
“One guy was standing back by the car with a bat. The one I had shin-stomped was right in front of me because he thought he was so much bigger than me. I could see there was no way I was going to get to my car. I said, ‘What you gonna do with that bat?’
“‘Put it upside yo head!’
“I said, ‘No you ain’t. You got a real conflict of interest’.
“He says, ‘I’ll conflict your interest you taco-vending wet-back!’
“The bat man came around to my left, and the rest of their boys backed them up in a semicircle. The bouncers came out to back me up, all four of them. I said to the guy, “‘Why don’t you leave?’
“‘Fuck you!’ he says.
“‘Is this your car?’ I said.
“I snapped off the antenna. This was the first time I ever used the antenna in a fight. I already had one on me. Now I could go double-stick. Master Billy Bryant taught me this. I said, ‘You wanna go? You wanna a war? You feel like Freddy the Frog, then jump.’
“People get real brave when they’re on that juice [steroids]. I went into the sinawali and whipped him up real good while his boys watched—whacked him six or seven times and he started to run.
“Feet then went up to the bat man and said, ‘What are you gonna do with that?’
“That’s when they all ran. They were pathetic. Of all the street-fights I’ve been in I’ve hardly ever been tested on a martial level. When you fight a man in the ring you are tested. After that, fighting some juiced-up whiteboy on the street is just like taking out the trash—just cleaning up a mess.”
As they are not members of the hierarchy, but acting under an assumption of support, private security tend to act very conservatively. Imagine, for a minute, that these five bouncers had been cops?
Would the cops have let them go after threatening their authority?
Would prevailing have been enough for the police?
No, it could not be, because the police, as members of the State macro organism represent its right to a monopoly of force, a right that must be jealously guarded to insure that monopoly.
‘Got the Law on My Side’
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‘On Highway Fifty-Five’
winter of a fighting life
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the greatest lie ever sold
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