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‘This One Crazy Marine’
An Extreme Case of Psychological Predation
© 2015 James LaFond
In many cases of psychological predation, such as this, and most flash mob attacks, we seem to be witnessing a state of temporary hierarchal aggression, in which a group sets its self up as judge, jury and executioner, or priest, population and king. The hint that this element of dehumanizing a psychological prey victim is in fact an imitation of the State on a tiny scale, goes beyond the behavior and commentary, that generally point to a joyful sense of social superiority, but are also reflected in economic status and social standing.
Victims of most mob attacks are not robbed.
Victims of the majority of mob attacks are lower earning or poorer members of society than the attackers or the attackers’ parents. Note that an unemployed welfare mother of three is far more affluent than a minimum wage clerk.
This was absolutely true among lynching victims, from blacks accused of rape to whites accused of horse theft.
The current rash of flash mob attacks by black mobs are committed primarily by black youths of the lower middle class, whose parents often work in trusted government positions. Entire prep school classes have descended on gas stations, grocery stores and shopping centers in designer apparel to attack clerks earning at or near minimum wage, coordinating attacks on phoneless and flip-phone using victims via $400 smart phones.
I recently saw a black boy being beaten with book bags full of books by prep school students. This boy was less well dressed and had but one book, as he was a public school student. His attackers, while black, were not of the impoverished type, but dressed expensively, were well groomed, wore ties, and all had the latest model smart phones, where he had a flip phone that was cruelly kicked across the sidewalk as he crawled under the barrage trying to phone for help while I and other adults watched, knowing that to lay hands on these sainted martyr children of the State would be as risky as a black man in the 1930s laying a hand on a member of a white gang beating another white boy.
Youths represent a type of aristocracy in postmodern Mommy America, and may not be dealt with physically, even as the attacks they launch are not charged with the same gravity as they would be if they were committed by a physically less fit older adult! This is the most destructive legacy of feminism to date, the turning of the Sate into the dragon mother of teenage boys.
Every year in Baltimore a handful of homeless black men are beaten into infirmity or death by relatively affluent black youth. These crimes are not reported.
Likewise, white boys used to stone, burn and beat hobos and bums back in the 1960s and 1950s, as far back as my survey goes.
Just as the medieval knight who received taxes, was infinitely more violent on the horizontal level than was the peasant, serf or slave who toiled, he was also far more likely to strike down the social ladder than the serf was to strike up the social ladder. Ironically, he was also more likely to challenge the State he was a part of, than was the serf or slave to challenge the State that owned him.
A sense of temporary hierarchal power can be more deadly than a sense of political omnipotence, as indicated by the story below.
#60-19: night, minutes, eye-witness
“This was at a group home in Annapolis. A lot of people used to hang out there and get high. There was this one crazy marine—the kind of guy who breaks up a party with a shotgun—who was out of control.
“Him and these two lesser jerks kicked this old drunk out of the yard. When the guy passed out they got a brush and can and painted him. Then they started beating him and threw him down into a ravine were they dropped cinder blocks on him. When they went down there to drag him out they found him dead. The marine panicked and said, ‘You guys can’t say shit. You were all involved.’
“Nobody wanted to cross him.
“They got a hacksaw, cut off his legs, and buried him. The two accomplices were pretty reluctant—you could say forced. But they were pretty much into the initial beating. The bum had a daughter who looked for him, and a dog eventually digs up a femur bone and takes it home. All three of the guys did time. But I bumped into one of the accomplices six months later and he was pretty much done with it. His brother was a high-powered lawyer. That’s pretty light for such a heinous act. I guess it all comes down to who you know in this corrupt world.”
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