Over the past year blacks across the nation have marched, rioted, spoke, and attacked whites and businesses out of anger over the death of black men who have fought the police. All three of these men made their living via criminal enterprises.
These men are heroes, martyrs, perpetual children, teens at age thirty and harmless babies at three-hundred pounds.
But why not more martyrs?
Are there no other blacks being killed?
On May 28th, a young black woman and her seven-year-old son were executed in their Southwest Baltimore Home. The Pepsi vendor I work with said that it was their fault, not the fault of the murderers, for the mother having “snitched” on drug dealers. No one has marched for her or the child. The police have no leads. Certainly her family cares, but few others are concerned.
This past summer a black high school student in my neighborhood was brutally raped and murdered by five black boys. They have been arrested and charged. However, a youth mentor, a church going man who teaches martial arts, told me that it was her fault, for associating with one of the boys, as if she should have expected to be gang raped with a broom stick and burned alive by a single boy who expressed interest in her. No one has marched for this girl. Baltimore does not care about her.
This past weekend a 25-years-old black man, who had been released from prison, was shot in the head, in front of his mother’s house, in broad daylight. In most ways he qualified for liberal martyrdom, save the one crucial fact, he was not killed by a white man or a cop. There will be no march. Truly, Baltimore does not care, other than the fact that he was murder victim 288 thus far in 2015.
Last night, in Park Heights, in Northwest Baltimore, a 24-year-old black man who is raising his three children, alone, is a home owner, and was in the process of building a fence around his yard to keep out drug dealers and other criminals, was executed in front of his house. He had been cooperating with police, trying to organize a neighborhood watch. The police believe he was executed by drug dealers. A stupid neighbor, a black woman, was interviewed by a radio reporter and said, among other idiot things, “This is normally a nice area with no trouble. He neva bothered no one. I hope it was an accident,” seeming to indicate she hoped it was a case of mistaken identity.
This poor fellow was, I believe, number 295.
300 here we come.
The Black Community in Baltimore does not care when their best school girls and best men are tortured and executed by thugs. The liberal media establishment also does not care.
Libertarians and conservatives in white America like to separate themselves from the thug worshipping media and gilt ridden liberals who only care about black criminals and not decent black folks. But, they also do not care. These decent black folks are the forgotten people of our age: the seven-year-old boy whose mother ran her mouth, the school girl who trusted the wrong guy, and the man who committed the unforgivable crime of patriarchy.
They are cruelly dead, and their community, their city, their nation, and their race, Do, Not, Care.
Rest in Peace.
Now this is interesting. Is the taboo man, the believer in letting the weak fall getting sentimental in his old age?
I mean no disrespect nor send any sarcasm with that question just curiosity because this seems to be a shift from most of the articles and books I have read.
Are you joining the rest of us in the civilized world!?
Women and children are, by nature weak, and I do what I can to protect them.
the home boy that bought a bullet in the brain in front of his mom's house—so what.
What really bothered me the most here was that this guy that got gunned down in front of his house was not the weakling, but the strongest person in the neighborhood.
However, our sick society dictates that he cannot carry a gun in Baltimore City. the weakling as the guy that shot him down, who, despite the Police Commissioner's statements, is, like all gangsters in Baltimore, living under the protection of the city government.
One platoon of infantry could clean this city out of the 230 "known shooters" that the BPD will not arrest. Recall when the mayor ordered the police to stand down and let the city burn?
So, Sean, I see this as an example of the decent guy, who wants to build a team, being in effect treated as some taboo asshole like me. This is why I advocate my stance for men in Urban centers, because the slave masters will not let people rebuild the communities that they ripped part to generate this cash cow.
Aside from my own anti-State stance here, as a writer, I see it as my duty to write about the obscure folks that will never make it into academic texts, national news, or onto library shelves.