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‘A Albino Tiger’
BT-1100 Ran Over By BT-1000 W/A Car In A Middle School Brawl! Black Beasties R Disgusting !
© 2015 James LaFond
The must watch portions of this news report are:
The self-video by the blonde black Asian slut at 3:58, who looks like she was genetically engineered from Steven Tyler’s irradiated DNA.
Tommy, at 6:25, resuming at 10:00, explaining the fact that you just can’t kill a black bitch with a car, even one that is not fully grown.
And the best, at 8:35, Tommy, singing to his cat, as Axel Rose, calls for a whore civil war!
I am so glad I had a couple shots of rum left in the fridge!
Rich white dude in the Lincoln town car, don’t pick up that whore, turn on TNN News and watch Tommy Sotomayor!
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Sam     Nov 12, 2015

"...Tommy, singing to his cat, as Axel Rose..."

I think that was Prince "Purple Rain", "Purple Rain". I think. It's the first thing that came to my mind.

I live where there's a lot of Blacks. I used to hang with them at times when younger but never again. It's always some kind of rip off, disaster, something. I'm polite to them but stay away from them as much as possible. If I see a large group of Blacks I go the other direction. Not all are bad people but there's just SO DAMN MANY that are just nothing but trouble. There's no up side to being around them.
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