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Harm City Hoodrats Hitting 310!
In Post Season Surge: A Stabbing and Shooting On Saturday Solidify Urban League Lead
© 2015 James LaFond
Update 11/29/15
At 4:05 a.m. Saturday, 11/28/15, a 29-year-old-man was killed in a shooting in Southwest Baltimore, just north of Carroll Park, making this the deadliest year per capita that Harm City has seen. Now that the boys have rested up over the Thanksgiving holiday I am expecting some steady work again.
Any readers who would like to readjust their prediction feel free to enter a new one on the comment function below.
Original Post
While I disagree with the FBI standard of killings per 100,000 to determine the lethality of a municipality, what the hell, I’m an American, and like to see my team in the lead, and a W is a W!
This year the notable trend has been toward black-on-black stabbings, which as far back as the 1980s was one of the least common uses of a knife. It used to be primarily small Latinos and alienated white loners who used the blade to even the odds against the larger and more numerous blacks and city hicks. Now, with the increasingly effeminate nature of young black men, who are generally incapable of dealing with lone adult men of any age or class, the resulting trends in violence committed by black urban youth have been two: mob attacks, and stabbings.
Note: If you look at films of the Baltimore black-on-white civilian riot by the Orioles Stadium at Camden yards you will repeatedly see sissy, non-athletic black youth being manhandled by middle-aged white men, until the middle-aged white wives got in there and compromised their husbands and the hoodrats called in reinforcements. This glaring lack of physicality, together with the emotional emasculation of the black male at the hands of his mother, has produced a class of youth who are hyper-aggressive yet incapable of brawling well, so resort to mob tactics and knives, which can be had at the counter of any Pakistani gas station, or convenience store.
With seven more weeks of violence to go, I am predicting a 2015 total Harm City body count of 325.
What is your prediction?
Any Reader who guesses the correct number of Harm City homicides on a comment posted before Christmas, 2015, will be awarded a copy of Menthol Rampage, a tale of interracial urban violence and mayhem set in Anyhood U.S.A.
The boys are already batting 303 on 11/18 and the BPD chopper is circling again. If you have bid under 310, feel free to adjust your prediction.
Puffing and Looming
harm city
‘The Yupster?’
ball of fortune
solo boxing
america the brutal
the fighting edge
SidVic     Nov 15, 2015

Steve Lovett     Nov 15, 2015

BIngo     Nov 15, 2015

I'm going to go a bit higher with 336, expecting some hell for the holidays.
Quantrill     Nov 16, 2015

I predict the dindu dance of death slows to a box step with the cool weather... 310.
Sam     Nov 16, 2015

Manny     Nov 16, 2015

I'll take 333. Half the number of the beast. Keep up the good work hood rats!
Don     Nov 17, 2015

Given the pending colder weather I predict the final death count to be 317.
Ishmael     Nov 17, 2015

Sean     Nov 17, 2015

Can we do over and under bets? If so I'll take the under and if not I'm going for 311.
Kman     Nov 18, 2015

I'll go with 308. Which coincidentally is my favorite rifle caliber and has never let me down.

SAWB     Nov 18, 2015

315, go hoodrats.
jr     Nov 18, 2015

300,000. We can hope; right?
Adam Swinder     Nov 19, 2015

319, go big or go home.
aa     Nov 19, 2015

Charles Meisling     Nov 19, 2015

Hdob     Nov 22, 2015

Sean     Nov 29, 2015

Wow these guys are worse then I thought. Changing to 335!
Habibi     Nov 29, 2015

PR     Nov 29, 2015

Can we have an update on your suburban Baltimore friend with the crack house in his neighborhood?

I've wondered since you posted the story if a silenced air gun aimed at crack customers' windshields, headlights, and legs and fired from cover would solve the problem. No customers = no business. What are the crack dealers going to do, call the cops? This would obviously bring more heat from the neighbors but then again they beat him up for talking to them.
James     Nov 30, 2015

That was Robert.

He moved three months ago, then quit the crappy job he had with me and moved onto a bigger outfit, packing orders in a vast warehouse.

I do love the air gun idea.
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