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‘Impotent Sentimentalism’
After the Paris Massacre by Christopher Pankhurst
© 2015 James LaFond
Okay, France, under various regimes, spent from the 1830s to the 1960s slaughtering and terrorizing various Islamic peoples, primarily so that the British would not get to have all of the fun and be the only nation enslaving the lesser peoples of the world. For this purpose, they used The Foreign Legion or Legion Estranger. As a boy, youth and young man I thrilled to readings of four hefty tomes on the heroics of this famous unit that employed war criminals, criminals, and PTSD addicts from various failed militaries around the world, to kick the shit out of predominantly Islamic peoples. My favorite Legion Estranger fighter—next to the dude whose wooden hand the unit still worships—was an anonymous sergeant who had a tobacco pouch made of the flayed breast skin of a Berber woman.
I am not making any judgments here, simply wondering why a rapist nation would then invite as many of the descendents of its victims into its country as possible in a sappy quest for intergenerational penance. The fact that French people today think that they can atone for sins committed by long dead people is just as insane as American liberals trying to atone for the crimes of slave masters past, and merely encourages violence on the part of those who identify themselves as moral or racial descendents of past victims.
In my three-decade study of violence and aggression I have found only three necessary elements to predict aggression:
1. The confidence in one’s ability to successful execute an attack
2. A sense of justification for the desired aggression
3. Proximity, or, as with the U.S. Military, the ability to nullify proximity through technology such as drones
All other causes of aggression are superfluous or rank as pre-conditions not germane to the violent act, or are triggers that insight sociopaths or psychopaths, which commit the minority of violent crime worldwide.
When a nation expresses guilt, extols non-violence and encourages and accepts the descendents of those its nation oppressed in the past, it sets all three of the necessary elements of aggression in motion, and violence becomes inevitable from that point.
If you would like to see a brutally uncensored photo of the Paris slaughter aftermath along with Mister Pankhurst’s article, check out the link below.
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