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‘Brethren of the Pinkish Red Hue’
Nero the Pict Welcomes Another Harm City Refugee North of Yo-Adrian’s Wall
© 2015 James LaFond
Nero recently wrote this old crackpot to ask what books I made the most money on before he purchased one, which I cite as evidence that Robert E. Howard was right to promote the idea that barbarians are ethically superior to the civilized human...
It is my wish that you be able to purchase at least a bottle of Port Royal Rum (you know that rot gut crap from the tropical island of Arbutus....) or whatever from the sales of your tomes. Heck maybe some Bacardi or the Captain.
Looks like the Chop is tapping out. Home ownership and the glories of public transit and the humble velocipede have soured for our faithful correspondent. He is moving north of the DMZ (outta Baltimore but not north of Hadrian,s Wall). Apparently he has been chased by packs of black teens twice while riding a bike in a single day. I've rode my damn bike all over that town through the years. The packs of "teens" really get the blood going. Especially when they use projectile weapons like Steel Reserve bottles and broken 2x4's slung in the manner of Shaka Zulu.
The dude might be a self professed Democrat but he isn't a complete retard (partial retard or perhaps just a hold out believer in Santa Claus?).
His liberal take on crimes on white bicyclists ain't half bad. Surprising actually. Even his route planning serves as a useful tool for those brave (or stupid) enough to navigate the urban wastes of Baltimore.
Baltimore's Cyclist Assaults are Motivated by Race, Clas...
Two weeks ago we wrote at length about Baltimore's neighborhoods and their racial and class divides. The lines between neighborhoods, and between black and white...
He even links a map that Pravda aka the local NPR affiliate published that displays go and no-go areas for bretheren of the pinkish red hue (aka Caucasoids) .
I take a morbid pleasure in reading "The Chop" and seeing his lofty ideals being brought back to the planet we call earth.
Nero the Pict
‘We’re a Happy Family’
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Kman     Nov 18, 2015

It would be a bit of a challange to build a Q ship version of a bicycle bit it could be kind of amusing. Then again, the tremendous success of the Q ships resulted in the Germans switching to a sink on sight rule of engagement. Unintended consequences, drat!!

Don     Nov 18, 2015

I read the first CHOP link. I laugh every time I hear liberals say that the root cause of black dysfunction is poverty or lack of opportunity. "If we just buy them bikes and invite them riding" everything will be all kumbaya. I grew up in Chester county PA around middle class black kids in the 70's and 80's and they were no different. They hated us white kids and were more disruptive in school then the white kids. We could not ride our bikes thru the black neighborhoods without risking assault. During Halloween, the black kids would come into the white neighborhoods to steal the candy from the white kids because they knew no one would fight them over it, except me and my brothers with our baseball bats. They stayed off our block! The greatest lie of the last century is that all cultures are equal. Life would be easier if that were true, but it isn't and never will be.
James     Nov 30, 2015

Long ago I came to the conclusion that American Blacks have been cultivated as a violent mob by rich white folks to keep poor white folks in line. This was made clear to me by decent black coworkers who pulled me aside as a young man and told me that what I had been taught about all men being equal by my Christian parents was a lie, and that their people were a pack of murderous thieves.

It took four years of living in Baltimore to reeducate myself.

By 1994 I was fighting a rearguard action while those who preached equality fled.

Thank God for you and your brothers.
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