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Doctor Quarry
Menthol Rampage #2
© 2015 James LaFond
2 weeks later
Doctor Quarry was a nice enough guy. Jay Jay had been in his office all day it seemed. The dude seemed to have a thing for Mister Martin’s wife and they made a lot of eye contact. Mister Martin’s wife did have a sweet way about her. She liked how he called her Miss Martin. He realized it was not the correct way to say it. He just couldn’t remember if her name was Charlene or Darlene and was embarrassed to ask after the third time he forgot. His memory had never been too good to begin with. Now it was even worse.
All the tests and weird claustrophobic brain pictures were done. Now came the questions. Doctor Quarry was a nice looking man who kind of looked like a weightlifter with a military haircut, and was not too old for a rich guy. Jay Jay took a look over at Miss Martin, looking all cute in her tight sweater and jeans with her long brown hair. She smiled at him to reassure him. The doctor noticed this, paused until Jay Jay looked back at him, and said, “What you have, Jay Jay, is called a cluster headache. It really is not an adequate term. First, I can tell you that it will not always be like this. This first cycle could last for weeks, even months, but will pass. I have prescribed you anti-nausea medication, and pain medication. Only use it when you need it.”
Jay Jay was confused. “The base of the head I understand, Doc. But why does the eye hurt? This is not really even a proper headache. It is a lot more specific than a hangover let’s say.”
The doctor touched him with his fingers like he was a 3-D map as he talked, “The base of the head does not hurt from the hit, not now. You have an irregularity in the base of the brain, in your lizard brain, the part that makes you breathe and tells you when to sleep and so on. This causes this nerve which emerges from the base of the brain to become inflamed. The nerve travels up your neck compressing the carotid artery and reducing blood flow to the brain. This is why your heart rate is up. Your body is trying to get blood up there. If the symptoms continue we can put you on oxygen. Mind you, we cannot cure this, only treat the symptoms. There are other medications that may be used as well. But they have side effects, so we will wait. The eye pain: that is where the nerve ends. The throbbing in the eye is that nerve.”
This sucks. This shit is like forever.
Miss Martin spoke up, “Jer—Doctor Quarry, what can Jay Jay do to relieve the symptoms.”
The doctor now sounded like a coach, “No alcohol, no getting hit in the head, and no smoking. That shouldn’t be a problem for you Jay Jay since you don’t smoke. Congratulations on that by the way. I tell you, if I could taze everybody that smoked and execute every one of those tobacco company lawyers and executives I’d save millions of lives. I had these two losers; a couple who I roomed with in medical school. Can you believe that, medical school and they smoked! I slept in the car. I have patients who are made deathly ill by cigarettes while they’re in a cluster cycle. It can bring on or intensify an attack—avoid it. No pot either—in case you are into that—because the carbon monoxide is in there too.”
He did feel better, having some control over this terrible incurable condition. Now he knew why he was so sick, because Bessandra smoked. He would just let her know.
“Doc, thanks, man. Look, I’ve been sick and out of work, and not feeling good enough—you know…”
Miss Martin let him off the hook with her whispery voice, “Jay Jay has a very beautiful girlfriend.”
The doctor came to the rescue, “Oh, you’re good to go kid. Just be mindful of those positions that bring it on or intensifies it. Remember it’s all about blood flow.” He then pointed to Jay Jay’s groin with a wink, “And that is all about blood flow—right, Jay Jay.”
He blushed and smiled at Doctor—what is his name again?
“Thanks, Doc” and he walked out with Miss Martin who reminded the doctor, “Jerry, he’s clear for work right?”
“Absolutely, Charlene. Tell Steevo we’re on for jet skiing this Saturday.”
That will be me someday, a nice wife, doctors for friends…yeah, and this shitty headache.
The Four-by-Four
the gods of boxing
within leviathan’s craw
search for an american spartacus
dark, distant futures
solo boxing
crag mouth
menthol rampage
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