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The Snatch
Why I Am A Weightlifting Fan Again
© 2015 James LaFond
When I was a boy I loved watching Olympic Weightlifting, and liked to practice the snatch. At 140 pounds I could snatch 145 but only clean and jerk 155, and my bench press was a dismal 190, so I knew I would be no weightlifter and definitely not a power lifter and put it out of my mind.
This past Wednesday Charles and I were working on the multimedia project for the site when I noticed this babe, Samantha Wright, doing the snatch, on a news feed I think, and said, “Wow, that’s a great snatch!”
Charles and Mescaline, a site sponsor, thought I was referring crudely to a certain part of this young woman. I had to explain what the snatch lift was to these knuckleheads. Soon, I found myself once again interested in the biomechanics of this lift and looked the little babe up on YouTube. the second lift she does is called a 'clean and jerk' which is also not an obscene term.
Most of the men I know are either terrified or horrified of a woman that is anywhere near their strength, let alone stronger. I don’t get it. What if the grid goes down?
Do you realize how much more water this girl could haul up from the creek than Jennifer Anniston or Megan Foxx? In case you young guys have not gotten to view the paintings of Frank Frazetta for the covers of Conan and Pellucidar paperbacks in the 60s and 70s, his females were predominantly of this physical type, which, if you think about it, is ideal for a stone age woman.
I think this little lady is adorable in every way, particularly the fact that she could haul my fat ass up off the floor and put me back on the traction table.
‘Out of the Primordial Soup’
the man cave
Are You Shitting Me!
shrouds of aryаs
beasts of aryаs
the year the world took the z-pill
your trojan whorse
song of the secret gardener
winter of a fighting life
the greatest boxer
SidVic     Nov 22, 2015

James, you are spot on. This girl is a sweetheart. check her out doing handstands!
James     Nov 30, 2015

Yes, yes indeed—I did not view videos of that woman doing handstands.

Well, it depends on what your definition of is is...
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