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The Creepiest Sales Staff in Retail
The Hermit Kingdom by Vice
© 2015 James LaFond
Vice on HBO (Season 1 Episode 10): The Hermit Kingdom
Here is some more bleeding heart wimp adventure from my favorite YouTube geeks. The veneration of old style Soviet pageantry and American consumer culture, in seemingly equal measure, is off putting. The computer room and classroom scenes are particularly disturbing. I have one thing to say in the tyrant’s favor, If I could get some of these North Korean sales clerks, I might consider running a supermarket again. This viewpoint alone—the dog and pony show for the minor league fringe media—gives the impression of culture and tribe wed more firmly to the State than seems probable, and to such a degree that one must suspect that horrible things go bump in the night with a regular finality in this unlit garden of our last god king.
It is inconceivable that such regimentation is not the end product of a macro-parasitic system of aggression with unparalleled control over its prey. As bad as globalism is, this type of nationalistic goon farm is the alternative on offer by the tribal state taken to its grotesque conclusion.
On Rodman's behalf, we might say that he is the most successful sufferer of yellow fever to come out of the U.S. One may well imagine that his friend for life keeps his dance card full.
Enjoy, and thank Andrew “Web Star” Metzger, trolling the world from his cardboard box and laptop in Rosedale Maryland, for this cool holiday offering.
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