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Antwyn Haze
Menthol Rampage #10
© 2015 James LaFond
Jay Jay whipped out his finishing hammer to stop this person—this young dude who could have run but had not—from calling 911. The boy’s voice, a boy a little younger than Jay Jay, maybe 18, stopped his swing, “You can’t kill me!”
Now, Jay Jay was angry at, but confused by, the boy’s self-assured nature and the fact that he was not calling the police with his smart phone, but using it to video Jay Jay. “Wha, why, why not?” he said as he cocked back the finishing hammer.
The boy then clicked off his cell and smiled at Jay Jay, a calm light-skinned dude with an engaging smile. His voice was smooth, like a rap star or something.
“Because, I don’t smoke, and I’m not threatening you. You see, if you kill me you invalidate your actions by departing from your justifying theme.”
Jay Jay was staggered, did not know what to do, and barely noticed the few people that had escaped running off down the sidewalks screaming for help. The boy then extended his hand and introduced himself, “My name is Antwyn Haze, a filmmaker, or at least that is what I just registered for up at the community college.”
They shook hands. “Jay Jay, Jay Jay Brooks.”
What do I do? This is confusing.
I need to jet out of here.
Antwyn came to his rescue. “Okay, Jay Jay, once I start rolling this video again I can’t give you any advice or I would be aiding and abetting. I am just recording your actions for posterity. You need to do what you need to do. I fully understand your rage against The Machine, which has put you at the mercy of this shitty economy—Mexicans taking your job, smokers taking your air. There is a public out there who will understand! I just want your permission to record whatever happens here. Five-O, Yo—shit was kind of quick if you ask me, like they was commin’ for ya already.”
To be concluded in the new print release of Menthol Rampage in December, with the six additional chapters, and a new afterward.
Also, be certain to register to win a PDF version of this soon to be beloved children’s favorite, by correctly guessing the number of Harm City Hood Rats that will be killed in Baltimore in 2015. The deadline for entries is Christmas day. The winner will be rewarded and announced—and there will be a winner—on January 1st 2016.
Make your prediction on the comments section of Harm City Hoodrats Hitting 310!.
‘No Smoking!’
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