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Police Racially Profiling Whites!
Annapolis, MD Police Are Being Sued for Profiling Daniel Hodges
© 2015 James LaFond
According to a November 24 story by Chase Cook in The Baltimore Sun, Daniel Hodges has been stopped, questioned and searched three times for entering majority black-Hispanic areas in Annapolis, MD, which is the capitol of The People’s Republic of Maryland. The last time the pigs hassled him they did it in front of lawyer Nevin Young’s house, who patriotically offered his counsel!
This is good news for me. I am currently in a majority black area so that I can afford writing fulltime, and have been profiled and hassled by cops eight times in five years, for the crime of being white, on foot, and poorly dressed in a majority black area. The white guy across the street from me gets busted regularly for possession, even as armed robbers, murderers, and mobs of violent black punks are ignored by the pigs.
The root cause of this is that most urban cops are terrified of blacks, live in outlying areas, and cannot imagine a white man going into such a place without a weapon, unless for drugs, so naturally suspect whites in urban areas. Another reason is that, while most drug sales made to suburbanites involve black suburbanites going back out to the suburbs and then selling to terrified white stoners, many of the whites who have stayed behind in such high crime areas, have done so, because they cannot afford to move out, and they cannot afford to move largely because they are drug addicts.
And so, throughout the haze of our lives, the world burns.
Good luck, white boy!
Just tell them that you visit that area because, you like big butts, and you cannot lie…
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