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Don’t Be the Twig Pig
Surviving A Black-on-White Race Purge in an Urban Ethical Zone When the Hoodrat Hordes Rise
© 2015 James LaFond
The Race Purge/Riots of Baltimore in April 2015 were a large scale test run for the American Left, in which the quality of their black troops was found to be good, and the resolve of municipal leadership and police was found to be lacking.
Miss Mary
In September, on a Wednesday afternoon, a young black man, perhaps 25, who stood around six feet and was "neither skinny or overweight," began kicking in the base of Miss Mary's back door, which faces the back of a strip mall on the city-county line. She called Marvin, who lived three doors up and came out on the back deck of his house yelling that he had called the police and that he was coming down there. The thug ran off, having nearly busted the security door off its bottom hinge, and shattering the molding on the lock side. He had gotten "maybe 80% through the door." Had he been bigger, or Marvin not been home, who knows what would have happened to Miss Mary, an elderly lady who lives alone with her small dog. An hour later a police report was made. Other ladies have been robbed on the street out front. Miss Mary is hunkering down for a siege that may last the rest of her life.
The HoodRat Army
When the hoodrat hordes discovered that the police would only defend themselves and not raise a finger in the defense of citizens, there was a belated Race Purge that accounted for two deaths, one coma, three cases of brain damage, and at least 12 broken arms, legs and jaws, all unreported. [This is only information I have gotten from witnesses. I have surely not spoken with every purge victim, even in my neighborhood.]
In the next round of civil unrest in Baltimore the police will certainly do a much better job of protecting themselves and the centers of government and tourist attractions. But everyone in Baltimore knows that the law abiding citizens are on their own—so they will be coming for you, if not in Baltimore, in your city, or suburb, whenever the urban mob flows your way at the behest of the media.
We are surrounded by potential deadly weapons, in the workplace and at home. The streets and buildings of aging east coast cities like Baltimore are composed of bricks, blocks, and cracking asphalt, and littered with other skull crunching debris.
Below is an example of one incident of workplace violence involving a tool.
#18-26: day, seconds, first-person aggressor
“I was working on a remodeling job when this older guy thought he was going to mess with me. I was using a cordless Makita twelve-volt power drill with a half-inch chuck. It worked better as a weapon than as a tool. When he grabbed me I head butted him off me and swung. The steel housing opened up a cut on his head. Of course, we both got fired. I’d have to say I’m satisfied with the outcome.
Your House
Business operators have the good sense to keep their tools indoors. In the hours leading up to last April’s purge, supermarket managers made sure to bring the shopping carts inside so they could not be used to shatter the windows. How can you take similar precautions for your home?
First, it is preferable to leave town, if possible. If you are stuck, here are some measures that might keep you from the fate of the Twig Pig:
1. Kiss the car goodbye. Breaking into your car is the easiest way to get you to crack the door to your house, so don’t fall for that trick. Do not use a firearm to hose down car thieves. When the smoke clears the Law will come for you. Remove the gas from your car and let it run down the gutter. Indoors it’s a hazard, outdoors it’s a means to roast you in your home. Save the gun for home defense.
2. The first thing every city dweller learns is that when blacks move into the neighborhood, garden tools, rakes, brooms and especially snow shovels disappear. They just walk up on your porch and take them. Recently I saw a lady who had left tools [shovels] on her back porch, and advised her to move them inside as they can be used to break into a basement door or window.
3. Most sheds are easily broken into. Tools and gas in your shed can serve as an armory for a pack of hoodrats. Bats, crow bars, gas cans, grill lighter fluid and bricks were the standard armament of purge packs in April, which typically numbered between three and ten, with the age range being 18-35. The kids will fight the cops. The men will come for you. These guys are worse than the rioters, by far. Empty your shed into your house and arm your family, not the enemy.
4. Loose brickwork needs to go, especially all of those gay decorative bricks your wife lined the flowerbeds with. Take them to the upstairs rooms that have windows that give a vantage over the front, side and back doors—yes, awnings over these doors are a bad idea if you want to defend them from above.
5. Make a door jam plan. Any buck hoodrat worth his fried lake trout can kick in a normal door. Rams for reinforced doors are easily improvised from fencing posts. Make sure there is enough furniture in the room with the access doors to jam heavy pieces together between the door and the closest wall or stair.
6. Your best improvised home defense melee weapons for defending windows and doorways are coal shovels, fire place pokers, crow bars, hatchets, machetes, mallets, hammers, bar stools, and oak table legs.
7. For interior defense a heavy cut and thrust blade between 14 and 20 inches—such as a classic Bowie knife—is ideal. A butcher knife will do.
8. If they get in, and you don’t have a firearm, or are empty, and have a breached doorway to defend, I can think of no more fitting weapon than a chainsaw—the small kind that tree techs use for removing limbs from standing trees.
My personal home defense weapon combo is a 31 inch stainless steel daito and a rusty 16-inch hay hook. I keep a scuba knife in the shower, a dagger by the alarm clock and a bowie knife in my bed. At my writing desk I have a pair of butterfly swords. The Viking sword is next to the clothes hamper, the arming sword is by the dresser, the saber is next to the book shelf and the fencing mask and gladiatorial helmet are on the coat rack.
I don’t believe in being more than a step away from a deadly weapon in my living space.
Admittedly, I only have one room.
Deny the enemy weapons.
Keep the enemy out.
Butcher whatever gets in.
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