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‘Hey, Samex’
Little Feet Going Nowhere #7
© 2015 James LaFond
It was now twelve days after the ‘Day The Earth Stood Still’ as it was being called, and he woke to the sound of his phone whistling. It was Thursday and he was beat. He had been pulling a triple workload, screwing from dawn until dusk, up to twenty women a day, the number increasing every day. He had not even been home.
Marie had told him to ‘just stay put’ in the executive suite. “I’ll just send them all along, Baby. You know the ladies are just happy to be alive. This is just like people pinching themselves after a nightmare. If it keeps up like this for another week we might retire a year early—you’re bringing five hundred an hour, Baby.”
He had answered the phone half asleep. It was mid-afternoon when he answered the whistling phone for what seemed like the tenth time today. His back was killing him and his head was pounding from the extra dose of Viagra.
He nodded off with the phone to his ear and the voice came again, “Hey, Samex, this is Tiffany. Let me in. This butler dude in the lobby is creeping me out.”
He could hear the grogginess in his voice, as he sprawled naked on his back across the huge bed, looking up at the chandelier he was beginning to hate. “Who is this?”
“It’s Tiffany: big tits, nipples pierced with brass doorknockers.”
Jesus, that freak again. God save me.
“Come on up, the door is open.”
He woke to the sound of Tiffany cussing someone out in the doorway. “Get your hands off of me, you greasy piece-of-shit!”
The door slammed as he sat up and saw the rainbow-colored tattoo artist freak, half his age, stripping off her clothes. “Can you believe that guy was poking The Girls with his finger,” she said, as she hefted the pierced rose-decorated organs that went by that name.
She was big, young and crazy. If she was not so pretty he would have held back. “Didn’t I see you yesterday?”
She walked over to him and kissed him harshly, then pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on, straddling him and wincing playfully. “What, my money isn’t green enough for you, Samex? It’s green enough for your old lady to double the price—choke me, now!”
That’s it. After today I quit. She can fire me, divorce, me. I don’t care—God, I’m lightheaded.
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