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‘Against the Undead Hordes’
Mescaline Franklin on the Euro-Zombie Apocalypse
© 2015 James LaFond
This is the famous city in WW2 where the limeys, totally unable to take on the Wehrmacht on the ground despite outnumbering them three to one bombed the hell out of the city (and then got their tanks stuck in the bomb craters).
Now 70+ years later the zombie invasion and a descendent of Asiatic invaders from the Roman era is now the man who can stand up for Europe.
This reminds me of the scene in the original Dawn of the Dead when the protagonists were driving trucks to help block the mall entrance against the undead hordes. This guy is hilarious. The French should be ashamed to allow this...and these scum are trying to get to the UK through the channel Tunnel!
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Lili Hun     Dec 3, 2015

So, now you have seen for yourself that the cultural question I began my article with regarding Hungary's wall was no joke.

I thoroughly enjoyed this man's commentary. American curses are really quite tame and boring in comparison. Like boy scout vs. sailor. (Na!—means "There, I said it and I meant it," all nuanced in a single syllable in Hungarian.)

As for a single sentence summary of his commentary, I would Hunishly paraphrase it as, "A horse dick up your liberal ass, EU!"

Thank you, M. Franklin.

Lili Hun
nightboat2cairo     Dec 6, 2015

I was just thinking how Hungarians were supposed to be knife fighters and then the driver threatened to go out and stab the migrants.

The Eastern EU countries seem better than the Western ones at dealing with this.
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