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Why Go Cannibal? by Jamie Lewis
© 2015 James LaFond
When Marvin Harris proposed that the reason for Aztec sacrifice was dietary, the academic world howled, despite the evidence. In a world of human livestock it is no wonder that we are so sensitive to the thought that people once ate each other, and assign the notion as an aberration in human behavior—the stuff of horror movies.
Thanks to the heads up from Bayonet I recently read this case for cannibalism [which I reject, even in the most dire contingency situations, as the ultimate act of materialism] which does provide some source links and supports my notion that when people attack people they are generally reducing them to psychological or spiritual “food.”
If one considers the current epidemic of black-on-white mob attacks, and the long-lived plague of gratuitous police violence, which has targeted whites and Latinos more often than blacks—though does target blacks more per capita—then we are obviously observing the accrual of a sense of power and potency on behalf of these urban savages and pig aggressors, for neither the brutal pig or the thrill-seeking hoodrat use such violence to acquire property, or serve a larger cause such as solving a crime [indeed police brutality hinders conviction rates], but merely to experience a sense of power over a lesser being. When one considers that these two types of aggressors reside at the base of predatory hierarchies, their brutal actions are no surprise.
Before you check this site out, be warned that the author uses movie gore and porn for illustrative purposes, and is rabidly anti-liberal and anti-Christian.
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Sam     Dec 6, 2015

James I read this today and immediately thought of you.

I know you probably won't listen but I would feel amiss if I didn't say,"You need to get the Fuck out of there"!

You're a bad man but there's only so much that one Man can do and you're not getting any younger. You should move some place like Springfield, Ms. You would be like the one eyed Man in the kingdom of the blind of toughness.
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