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A ConeHead of Paracas Peru
A Paleo-Eugenic Heads Up from Samuel Finlay
© 2015 Sam
As an ancient alien, myself—castaway on the Planet of the Apes is more like it—I am morally—and also, it is a stipulation of my research grant—barred from commenting on the following.
-Regal, M-116-S
I'm afraid that wasn't me who sent that about the coneheads, but I did think it was pretty cool. (I noticed another Sam in the comments at your site and a few others I frequent; it's a small world).
-Samuel Finlay
Your Fellow Primate, Sam, Says
[The] ConeHead[s] of Paracas Peru. Where did they come from?
There's some indication that they were a World Wide civilization during the last Ice Age. Their skulls exist all over the planet. Note I've been told that their skull volume is larger than normal humans, their cranial sutures are different on the skulls, DNA test have them having a different mitochondrial DNA and while many coneheads are due to binding, these are not. Possibly the binders copied the originals to look more like them.
Ancient maps found that show the world before the Ice Age ended.
The coneheads descendants may still be with us. Look at this guy Roger Stone. He's an adviser to Trump.
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Sam     Dec 6, 2015

Of course it may be all bullshit but those skulls look very large to me. The ones that are bound look different. The maps are real.

There's a lot of weird history that is just ignored. We know there were massive floods at the end of the ice age. Such that the Oceans rose 300' ! This is huge. It's possible the mid-Atlantic ridge sunk while waters rose (Atlantis????) and all these coneheads had to move out. They seemed to have run things. Look at Tutankhamun's head x-ray from National Geographic.

Sculptured head in King Tut's tomb, probably a relative.

A lot of this stuff comes from off the wall websites but they do exist. It amazes me that there's not more study of this type stuff. Maybe they are all just binding but the Forster guy has mummies of babies that have cone heads. They were not bound. Takes time to shape skulls and still no resources are approved to study these things.

Here's another recently unearthed in Mexico. It was buried with a lot of normal skulls. Possibly their slaves.

There were a LOT of them found in Malta. Again with thousands of normal skulls sacrificed.

They've even been found in Russia.

This one they say was wrapped. Notice it doesn't seem to have as much volume.

Strange stuff.
Sam J.     Dec 7, 2015

My apologies if I've mixed things up. I'll go by Sam J. from now on as I've done elsewhere.
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