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‘What Beasties Do’
The Eckridge Sausage Ho Combat Invitational with Commentator Tommy Sotomayor!
© 2015 James LaFond
Hair Hatted Whores Have A Poundcake Fest At A Negro Funeral! Go Mother Earth!
As I view this I’m listening to The Lord of the Rings soundtrack, the march of the orks on Helms Deep.
Notice how violent and how ineffective these wenches are.
This points to the social purpose of female aggressiveness in primitive populations, to encourage men to do violence on their behalf. While this scene of a parking lot fight between a funeral home and a sausage truck is laughable, when one of these women convinces a man to kill for her, then we have a lethal environment. When one of these women sends her three sons out to rob white people so that she can get her nails done, then you have a training ground for violent felons. In Baltimore, contract killings ordered by women are on the rise, and will continue to increase. The lack of self-control exhibited in this video is proof of the origin of urban American animus.
When one examines the gestures, posturing, and methods of these females, realize that they have taken you back to the time just before Homo Have-some-shit first picked up a rock and bashed in an enemy head. This scuffle is excellent proof that animals with fangs, talons, claws, tusks and horns, had nothing to fear from early primates until the first stone or bone was picked up.
Notice the feminine behavior of the few men trying to break it up, looking like a mother trying to keep her sons from hurting each other.
Brutality Advocate on Eating Us
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