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Your Crumbling Metropolis
Do You Have a Harm City Story?
© 2013 James LaFond
If you have had an experience of the urban, violent, criminal, cop, or Baltimore kind, I am interested in reading about it, and so are the Harm City readers.
If you are a local Baltimore area person you may email me to set up a meeting, as I like to do face-to-face interviews.
If you are an internet celebrity assassin that wishes to make me famous this would be a good opportunity to set up an ambush of Yours’ Truly. If, however, your ambush fails, and I write the best-selling account of your incompetent attempt to snuff out my marginal life, than expect no royalties split.
If you are an out-of-town person the phone does not work for me. I can hardly type as it is, and it hurts when I tilt my head, and I can’t figure out how to set my communications device for speaker, because, yes, I am technologically retarded!
However, Charles sat me in this chair and beat me with a stick for what seemed like years while he turned me, Pavlov like, into a semi-competent copy-and-paste drone. So, if you email me a story in Microsoft Word at jameslafond dot-com at gmail dot-com, I will copy and paste it here with your copyright. Or, if you prefer, I can just use your email attachment as interview notes, and write an article based on it. In which case, having done the work, it’s mine!
Note: I am still incapable of extracting emails from my computer. I also cannot figure out how to get the nice Rocky Mountain backdrop off of my screen, and every time I print out an email it is unreadable against the mountain backdrop. I can download attachments. So please, just use the actual email to say stuff you don’t want in the article, or to compliment me on my three-digit book sales.
I would really like to avoid the use of profanity and racial slurs on the site. I leave ads for the site at karate schools and they could be picked up by kids. So please, try to keep it clean.
Take care out there, in whatever ghetto you reside.
harm city
The Oldest form of Transportation
the greatest boxer
book of nightmares
the combat space
beasts of arуas
blue eyed daughter of zeus
dark, distant futures
barbarism versus civilization
time & cosmos
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