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Reader Favorites
Your Most and Least Favorite Pieces on the Site
© 2013 James LaFond
Okay, you are a busy person; a human, an actual native of this little blue planet; and you do not have time to read all of the hundreds of articles and stories that this LaFond character has pasted up onto this virtual space with the aid of his sorcerer-friend Charles.
You have a certain number of minutes to peruse the various pages on this site through whatever portal you happen to be using. Perhaps you are even reading this on your smart phone as you zoom along in your internal-combustion-mobile.
What do you read, and what do you avoid?
The author has a similar dilemma, although somewhat reversed. He sits before his portal, considering his 73 outlined articles and stories. Which one should he write? If he is hit by a bus tonight, which piece is the one he would regret not having finished as the giant conveyance drags his mangled form through the gutters of his infamous city?
Each article on the site does have a read number, which tells us more about the interest engendered by the title than anything. Our statistical program does not count the first time the article is opened by a reader. If you are the second person to access that piece, when you are done, and come back to or refresh the site, the read count will have advanced from 0 to 2. Also, the read count does not differentiate between reads, re-reads and ‘Oh, screw that, it’s ten pages long and I only have ten minutes.’ aborts. Reads through an RSS feed are not counted. That takes the guys that read everything off the radar, as this feature targets 'visitors' to the site.
This is where you, the charitable reader, come in to play, by advising your less-LaFond-literate fellows.
Think of the new reader who has only time for a single piece. What article would you direct them to?
Think of the reader just like you. What piece would you recommend they not waste their time with? What the hell was LaFond thinking when he wrote that? Was he concussed or drunk; or, perhaps still shaken up by another E-Trade Baby trailer at the movies?
Also, think of the poor befuddled author, wanting to equal or exceed the quality of his best piece, and not even knowing what that is. So if you would stop by here and give us a clue, as to what piece of writing you consider the best on this site, and which one you regard as the worst, it would be most helpful to all who use this virtual place. Not everyone has the same tastes. So, when you pick a favorite, just give a brief reason why. Likewise, when you pick your least favorite, you might even want to note a category preference, like, ‘Oh, another boxing article...yawn…’
Thank you for stopping by.
Seriously, Another Apocalypse?
Slovomir Rawicz, The Long Walk
within leviathan’s craw
blue eyed daughter of zeus
son of a lesser god
the greatest lie ever sold
thriving in bad places
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