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On the Verge
Harm City in the Wake of the Dope Dealer Messiah
© 2015 James LaFond
As the jury in the first Freddie Gray trial is deadlocked and the judge tells them to keep at it…
SWAT teams and tactical equipment from other jurisdictions, state police with dogs, and somebody else not often seen in law enforcement circles, are positioned in Baltimore City.
School districts from outlying areas have canceled field trips to Baltimore.
Shoplifting so blatant that it is looting, has reached epidemic proportions on four area supermarkets that I know of, with casual thieves lining up in threes and fours when stores open, to pillage in full view, challenging security and police to stop them—no arrests are made when there is an intervention…
I personally doubt that even the acquittal of the first cop—who is black, and if found guilty will be used to flip on the other cops—will be the catalyst for another riot. In a way, it doesn’t really matter, as the city is already an open wound being picked at by its crows, with crimes openly committed, rarely punished, and either unreported or misreported by the police and media.
The Jesus Christ of petty crack dealers is still dead and not yet risen and the city will pay again for his martyrdom.
In the meantime the local housing market is buyer friendly with three out of ten houses posting for sale signs—with “motivated buyer” flags among my favorite inducements—in the city and two out of ten in the outlying Baltimore County. Also, the State Housing Authority has admitted that “tens of thousands” of low income Baltimore City “families” have been “quietly relocated” to Baltimore County areas and The Baltimore Sun announces what a boon this has been to local communities and calls for supermarkets to invest in these new low income areas even as homeowners in such location post for sale signs at City levels, violent crime doubles and is unreported, and police fail to respond to many complaints…
White flight and media denial is in full bloom across the Baltimore Metropolitan Area, a secret that few people will discuss out loud, in public, for fear of... of what, exactly?
‘I’m Not That Dude!’
harm city
A Hard Year for Bmore HipHop
solo boxing
thriving in bad places
orphan nation
logic of force
sons of arуas
the sunset saga complete
Goose     Dec 16, 2015

James, what's your plan for getting back home should you find yourself at work if/when this situation develops into (un)civil unrest?
Sam J.     Dec 16, 2015

I left a comment earlier that at this point I just don't care about Black people. At some point people will become like me and just cease to care. At that point the hoards will realize they've made a mistake but it will be too late.

It's absurd that people can just walk in stores and steal whatever they like. Even as they do this, even the densest and most ignorant must realize that the end results of this will not be good for them. The idea that we will continue to allow the same group to move like locust eating cities as they go is absurd. At some point we will go back to projects and they will be housed away from everyone else and just be allowed to torment each other.

Of course the cry will go up,"what about those not that guy" and my answer will be,"I just don't care anymore".

At some point White people will realize that they are not the arbitrator nor are they responsible for all the bad stuff that goes on on the planet and that this kind of thinking is an aberration. This will be the beginning of freedom for us. We have enough problems as it is we don't need to take care everyone else's problems on top of ours.
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