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‘Why Double the Murders?’
A Man Question from Andrew
© 2015 James LaFond
“In your opinion, why is it that twice as many people have been killed this year than normal, and most of it after the thing in April? Is it really just the cops letting them kill each other? Is it that simple? The mayor basically claims its all the BGF reestablishing their shit. It’s not just the eighteen to twenty-seven-year-old guys. There is also a sprinkling of these thirty-five to forty year-old-guys, the guys that made it all that way and now get popped. I know they just found one capo zip-tied before he got popped—that’s definitely a go meet the boss situation.”
-Andrew Webstar Metzger
Not having been involved in drug running or police work, and being neither kind of criminal, I’m the last person to answer this question, and know nothing beyond what you have stated. What I can tell you is that gang activity increases violence in those areas which are never reflected with the accuracy of a body count in any type of database, and which interest me as an urban survivalist—a most oxymoronic creature, I am told.
People generally think in terms of dope fiends robbing people on the street and burglarizing homes to get their fix money. Below are a list of aggression behaviors that have no cause other than youth from fatherless drug households seeking to express themselves in the “heroic” terms of the resulting criminal ethos that has been created from whole cloth by the government’s “War on Drugs”:
1. Purposeful littering, developing a confrontational relationship with white society and its values and beginning to recreate the environment to suit his future lifestyle.
2. “Beat-downs” of random, black non-criminals for the necessary self-image development
3. Terrorizing whites for the very practical reason that only whites can effectively call for police action [#1 is the first step in this progress, attempting to engineer confrontations with whites, which no longer works but has remained as a baseline behavior.]
4. Vandalism, to mark territory. One looks at graffiti and thinks it merely decoration or declarative. But in a city that does not yet know itself dead, officials are assigned to fine businesses that have graffiti on their buildings, hastening the closure of businesses and the expansion of the drug gang ecology.
5. Gang rape [usually by a pair], for group bonding
6. Car-jacking, for establishing street credibility
7. Minor theft, either as a simple imposition of will, or as a bid to get arrested and begin generating the necessary rap sheet to be taken seriously by those gangsters looking for underlings who will take risks
8. Defying, running from or fighting police to establish gang-worthiness
9. Loitering as a lookout, scout or runner. Only at this point has the thug progressed into the actual drug-gang economy proper, though his actions all through childhood and youth have been directed at sculpting the urban landscape so as to facilitate the drug economy
#1-8 are simply self-improvement rites engaged in by feral youth inventing a type of reactionary, masculine barbarism in opposition to an artificially imposed living arrangement that never had them in mind to begin with, and I entirely understand. That said, they are still my enemies and will hopefully be eradicated.
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Sam J.     Dec 21, 2015

Have you ever thought to yourself that this is just getting too out of hand? At some point there has to be an end. I read financial sites and best I can tell, and I can't but some say, that we have one year and the bottom will fall out. When it does the EBT will stop and then it will be time for some kind of reckoning. What I don't know but what we're doing now can't last.

I think we should pay them and send them back to Africa. We could fight it out with them but the damage done in such an operation would far outweigh and payment. I think we could save a great deal of money on the long term.
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