A reading of the extended subtitle on this cover page indicates that slavery in the colonies was simply an extension of the practice of child slavery common to England, practiced under the false label of an “Apprenticeship,” and with the “master” [at least accurately named as to his calling] had full property rights over the apprentice—including the right to beat, kill [this was frowned upon, but there is no record of a penalty for killing an apprentice or indenture ever being ruled] and sell him—for the term of the apprenticeship.
Thus, the English settlement of North America was merely the transplanting of a rancid weed from its ancient festering mud into virgin soil [so named Virginia by the smelly cynics themselves], just as the Spanish had transferred their medieval feudal way of life to the southern portion of the continent. In purest terms this author would rate America as a macro-parasitic infestation via which the toxic mercantile ethos of Anglican England infected a continent, and cannot be surprised at the decaying morality of the resulting society, but rather thant this nation ever rose to the level of cultural expression.
If that handwritten number in the top left is the date 1766, then we have a contemporary of Peter Williamson.
“Well he was a bad kid...”
-Mescaline Franklin
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