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This Guy is Interesting
Sad Puppies and The Mystery of Vox Day
© 2015 Dominick Mattero & James LaFond
“This guy is interesting—a post libertarian catholic sci-fi/military writer/blogger/game designer with American Indian ancestry. This guy is far to the left of you, yet a survey of mainstream science-fiction writers have voted him as the most evil and reprehensible member of their fraternity—the Hugo, or whatever it's called. Just thought you'd like to know how thoroughly you will actually be hated if other sci-fi writers find out you exist!" what, the people writing Nazi-female-zombie-flying-ninja bullshit are ”
What, the people writing Nazi-female-zombie-flying-ninja bullshit are judging each other on PC criteria?
I am thrilled
Thanks for the heads up, Dominick. I’m working on completing a few things and will find it easier to access this site from the front end then from the bowels of my word files, so am posting this without viewing it.
Despite my claim to be too busy, I was intrigued by Vox Day, unable to determine if it is a single human, although I'm fairly certain it is of male gender and probably singular. I find it fascinating that even writers who seem to have success in multiple pursuits have judged it necessary to use a pseudonym. There is obviously good cause. I suspect, as a science-fiction writer, that people like the mysterious Vox Day will eventually be outed or shut down by telecom legislation and that the days of pseudonymous authors are numbered. It is interesting to me that only, I think four, of the dozens of people who comment on my site, will even use a real name. Again, these are intelligent folks who obviously have good reason for their anonymity. What I take from a half-hour reading of Vox Day is that the next frontier of internal resistance that the State must tackle to nullify the internet and complete the sculpting of the Hive Mind is anonymity online.
Anonymity will come under assault sooner rather than later and probably already has unbeknownst to me.
I must say I am intrigued, but also have limited time to devout to the study of pseudonymous literature.
If a man can't stand for his words I don't see much hope in the words standing.
‘Like a Dove’s Call’
Giving, Trading and Taking
barbarism versus civilization
crag mouth
under the god of things
shrouds of arуas
the greatest boxer
masculine axis
nightboat2cairo     Dec 20, 2015

I wouldn't call Vox anonymous - his books are published under the name of Vox Day and everything he does is under the same name.
Anonymous     Dec 20, 2015

His real name is Theodore Beale. He's not really anonymous but does use that as a pen name.
Sam J.     Dec 21, 2015

He's also not left wing at all. He's the guy who's reprinting the series of books I believe I told you about. "There Will Be War" vol.1-10. He's also extending the series with "Riding the Red Horse - Tom Kratman & Vox Day". All well worth reading. Sci-fi mixed with fact articles on war and speculative future war. I found them in paper back outside an Army base in a used book store.

Jerry Pournelle was the guy who originally edited and put together the series. Him and some other fine fellows were involved in thinking up Regan's Star Wars. Pournelle has done a lot of stuff but is not widely known by the average person.
Hank     Dec 21, 2015

Indeed, you are right that anonymity on the net is already under attack. Here is an article from last year:
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