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Cops Can No Longer Punch in Baltimore County
Police Investigating After Video Shows Officers Punching Man Outside Towson Bar
© 2015 James LaFond
Baltimore is like a pork roast!
Can you believe those seven pitty-pat arm punches on the head are considered excessive force?
A shin kick or choke would have been more effective, but they are not allowed.
The pig should have just done a face press with both hands, grinding the guy’s face into the pavement from a pushup position—oh, but that would have been too violent!
Now, I hate cops. But, if some drunken knucklehead is so out of control that he is going to pick a fight with three cops, what are you supposed to do? Short of high level grappling, there is nothing that liberals are going to allow cops to do. And since cops will never be high level grapplers, and they can no longer use weapons even in their own defense, and are barred nationally from using neck holds or chokes, than, without the latitude to strike with empty hands they will be helpless, except as a Romper Room mugging team.
By the way, the ranking police officer I am currently training is learning the palm jab and palm cross, because I don’t want him breaking his trigger finger on some empty chunk of Baltimore ebony.
This is hilarious, particularly the faɡɡot white politician. I hope that dude gets gang raped by a bunch of homeboys in the Towson Town Center parking garage.
Now, after watching the police department and the media and politicians throw this cop under the bus, do you knuckleheads who come here for training advice, think you are going to be able to get away with shooting, knifing, kicking or even punching, some similar endangered species of criminal?
Not only do we live in the insane world where the man who disbanded the KKK somehow founded the KKK in his own absence, but we also live in the kinetic fantasy realm where ineffective punches are now excessive force?
That pig could hit me on top of my head for as long as he wanted and it would have no effect on my aged braincase, let alone the mahogany dome of this dumbass.
Thanks, Tanya, for the news clip.
‘Lady Footlocker’
harm city
Merry Christmas
orphan nation
dark, distant futures
when you're food
the gods of boxing
beasts of arуas
song of the secret gardener
on the overton railroad
bernie Hackett     Dec 24, 2015

Play dumb games, win dumb prizes.

Who cares what the blowdried imbeciles of the entertainment/news industry think?

It would be interesting to know how big the knucklehead was, and since he's an afleet, how toned. The "news" industry will play this like the affaire Trayvon, as if he's some angelic child, brutalized by the white gestapo, for no reason.

Also, why would a politician be concerned about this? It's the usual nonsense where Junior got liquored up, and acted stupid. The cops told him to calm down, and he didn't, then he resisted. Is the kid gonna vote for him? He's not from the area. If Mr. Concerned is so upset, why doesn't he go thru the police academy and be a FORCE FOR THE GOOD. After he gets his concerned lights punched out, maybe he''l be less judgemental. Maybe. Dumb is forever.
Sam J.     Dec 29, 2015

This is so stupid. I've complained about the cops before but my complaints are when they kill people that aren't a threat. I read a report on the incident and the cop gave him a chance. Told him to move along. No the dumb ass had to stand around and jaw at the cop. In this case he didn't deserve the cops fist. He deserved the night stick. Some people are so dull the only way to import knowledge into their thick skulls is through knots.

I want to add that in some cases stated here I've been very critical of the police but, to my mind, it's proper to criticize if when the police roll up on someone with no weapons they just blow them away. I would be Far, far, far, far, more lenient in my judgement of a situation if someone just got knocked up a little. In these situations I would give the police a benefit of doubt in most all situations. One my main reasons for this is the simple logic that it takes a bit of effort to knock someone about and the police are hardly going to go through all that effort unless he had it coming.
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