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‘The Very Nature of White Supremacy’
Reader Poll on White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it by Frank Joyce on Salon
© 2015 James LaFond
As a writer who is considered as being off his rocker by his very own family and whose opinions on history and politics seem so far off as to have only comic value, I was curious what the readers at thought of this sterling piece of literature by my colleague Frank Joyce at Salon.
As a White Supremacist with a distinct taste for caramel companionship, I quite enjoy Mister Joyce’s point that us white men are such unbeatable bad-asses that we may only be “reined in” by our fellow white men, thus implying that the females of the world naturally seek only to kneel at our iron-shod feet as depicted in the historically accurate paintings available through this link.
Yes, Frank, that’s me with the ragged canvas underwear and the female model clinging to my hardened leg represents your wife’s unresolved sexual fantasy…
But seriously, speaking on behalf of the builders of the only feat of military engineering visible with the naked eye from space and the launchers of the unequalled Star Fleet of 1424, I might point out that the weapons that conquered the world and still hold it in thrall were the product of the Chinese Genius, conceived while my white ancestors were still swinging battle axes at each other in the red-streaked mud of Ulster…
Could we be the super killer white apes of liberal legend that Joyce refers to?
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Hank     Dec 26, 2015

"atrocities against muslims"

Hdob     Dec 26, 2015

Sorry I never click links to Salon or Slate. But yes, white men are the best. Also, without reading the link my guess is the writer is a victim of Trump terror. If nothing else good comes out of Trump's campaign, he is really providing some laughs as these people contemplate losing their status and begin having public meltdowns.
C7     Dec 26, 2015

sorry, James, can't give Salon the clickthrough. Last time I looked at their site I needed an exorcism afterwards.
Bayonet     Dec 26, 2015

If white people are ever cast down from their current place on the totem pole and reduced to a minority, they're very likely going to start acting like any other minority tends to act; high rates of solidarity within the group, and high levels of animosity/competitiveness with anyone outside the group... No more bleeding heart Liberalism, White Guilt charity, pathological altruism, etc.

Essentially, all this clamouring to end "white privilege" will result in the exact community that White Nationalists WANT to create.

I wonder if any of these Salon writers know this?
Sam J.     Dec 29, 2015

As a background to understand my position you should read the lengthy and entertaining

and the actual day by day log on a travel site.

Now having sufficient understanding of an environment where people chase you with machetes in the dead of night and ask you when the White Man is going to be back to repair the roads my response to these sorts of "evil White Man" stories is we should round them all up, entrain them in crates in military transport planes and air drop them out of the planes onto the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo. There they can fill the natives in on the dastardly malfeasance of the Whites.

For reading material we can give them Civil War II" by Thomas W. Chittum
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