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‘The Camel’s Nose’
‘Is Already Under the Tent’: How Long before the U.S. Becomes an Islamic State?
© 2015 James LaFond
As a writer I like the idea that the bankers and Muslims are both trying to forge a one world nation, kind of like Chaos and Control in the old TV comedy Get Smart. I have been researching Under the Crescent, a novel about an Islamic America. I have also recently been contacted by another writer, a doctor, who works with many Islamic doctors from outside the U.S. who openly speak to him about Islam bringing down the U.S. We are discussing the possibility of writing a novel about this together as he is afraid that if he waits for his retirement to write such a thing it might already be against the law.
I do like the final video, do believe the Christian and Pagan [neo-biker Nords, etc.] resistance will succeed in holding pockets of America, but do also suspect that by 2050 most of the United States will be under Sharia law, as the secular rot of our system lacks the moral fiber to question, much less criticize, let alone resist, non-western aggression.
At 10:54 of the fourth video the case of Sharia law being administered in New Jersey is a wake up.
At 18:55 of the fifth video the story of Sharia law enforced in Dearborn Michigan is chilling.
Not discussed on this video is the fact that a Sharia law center in the U.S. Northeast is being funded by the House of Saud.
In the waterfront community of Dundalk, two blocks from a town home I once rented, the neighborhood gym has been converted into an Islamic men’s center. These men do not live in the neighborhood, but drive in to attend their meetings.
I think Europe is as good as Muslim and that portions of the U.S. that have not been liberalized have a fighting chance. My theory on the inevitability of Islamic America is that the Liberal Left, in their systematic attack on Christianity undermined the entire Western Way of thought, and established their own orthodoxy, a religion in all but name, with the chattering fear of the insecure woman rising to the status of defacto Mother Goddess. In other words, in an attempt to kill one religion, they established the most brittle religion possible, engineering a spiritual vacuum that begs to be filled.
'Sharia Patrols' Harassing Citizens in London, Belgium, Sweden
Islam’s Infiltration of America
Are You Still in the War Zone?
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