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Confessions of A Dichotomous Dickhead
© 2015 James LaFond
Some time ago Bart put up a FaceBook page to promote my writing and has been frustrated in his ability to garner more than 100 likes. He’s barely halfway there, and I feel guilty about that because it is my fault. I joked with him recently about most of our recent likes coming back down almost as soon as they go up. He indicated that we have had as many un-likes as likes that have stayed thumbs up.
I understand that I hold a number of views that, in most people’s minds, are mutually exclusive. Most glaring are the following assertions and expressed beliefs of mine, which seem contradictory to the feminine or emasculated post modern mind.
1. I advocate tribalism and free will, which most think are mutually exclusive worldviews.
2. I believe in questioning, as atheists do, but question atheism, which they cannot tolerate, especially when I assert that their secular belief system is merely a materially-based religion.
3. I believe in the Western Way of Transcendent Thought, yet disagree vehemently with its materialistic result.
4. I advocate white supremacy and an open mixed-race society, the two being mutually exclusive in the minds of almost everyone.
5. I advocate radical masculinity and the freedom and self-determination of strong-minded women, which no one but I believes are world views that have any possibility of compatibility.
6. I express respect for Islam, and also recognize that many of its adherents believe in the extinguishing most of the other beliefs I hold to.
7. I believe that war, combat and killing in battle are objective goods, but find the use of these goods by the nation that owns me as having been generally done for evil purposes and to vile effect.
8. I believe that the nation that owns me was woven of lies and slavery from the whole soiled cloth of the pit of bottomless misery that was the most despicable nation of England, yet hold this place sacred as the land of my ancestors and prefer to remain its property—your property, if you regard yourself as a voting citizen with a voice in its affairs—rather than immigrate to another land.
9. I recognize that roughly one third of black people want to kill me and/or deprive me of what I have worked for, for no other reason than liberal white educators have convinced them that I benefitted from the enslavement of their ancestors even as my ancestors were enslaved by their side, when in reality the ancestors of these educators owned us both and their descendents still do, and yet I have and do like, ally with and love some black people as individuals.
10. I believe that I live in a deeply evil world of human-contrived misery that is destined to become an insect like hive, yet also wish to see humanity spread to the stars.
11. I believe that most American Indians were superior in most manly measures to their European immigrant counterparts, yet my three favorite Americans, Lewis Wetzel, Andrew Jackson and Liver-Eater Johnson were the most prodigious Indian killers of their three successive generations of Americans.
12. I appreciate the effort a reader takes who posts a like on my face book page. I also cheer to Odin—my slain God—every time a reader who cannot tolerate reading an author that holds an opinion differing from his takes their like down.
This past Christmas Eve I read a passage from a book that I had written and published out loud to my aunt and mother. My mother walked away mid-sentence, and when I continued to read to my aunt, came back and rudely interrupted me. What I had read was not violent, or profane, and I regard it as a victory that my mother could not tolerate listening to the words of her eldest embarrassment—after all she is employed by my enemy, The State. It would be irrational for me to expect her approval. The two people that brought me into this world regarded me as an insane traitor to everything they believed in from about my 16th year, even siding with my enemies in a very real way. I continue to love them because they gave of themselves for me when I was helpless in an evil world, and have never held their limitless brain-washed ignorance against them. They are merely who they were supposed to be. I’m the twisted soul that God dropped on its head on the way to the soul kiln.
Honestly, if you agree with everything I’ve written on this site, then there is probably something deeply the matter with how your brain works, and I won’t hold it against you because your existence makes me feel that much less alone, marooned as I am on this Planet of the Retarded Apes.
‘Precision Beats Power and Timing Beats Speed’
the man cave
No Better than Our Hate
menthol rampage
under the god of things
the gods of boxing
crag mouth
shrouds of aryаs
Ishmael     Dec 28, 2015

Thanks James, I will drink to that as soon as I get off call, one crackpot to another. Ishmael.
Lili Hun     Dec 28, 2015

Why thank you, Sir Writesalot. I am also comforted to know that I have kindred spirits in this world, though in my case, whether by head or tail, I am convinced that I was dropped on the wrong planet, period.

I am sure that your faithful readership continues to look forward to your fresh thoughts in print.

Yours truly,

Lili Hun
Sam J.     Dec 29, 2015

I've noticed the contradictions myself and was first confused but as I can, and frequently do, hold contrary opinions myself I can hardly hold it against you. Many opinions I hold I wouldn't but buoyed by the facts on the ground consider them the only logical choice.

As for Face book you're on your own as I consider it aligned with Satan. :)
kiki     Dec 31, 2015

I suppose its just my lack of understanding or possibly pseudo ephedrine imposed confusion, but I do not see where these statements are contradictory. I do have the ability to hold completely different opinions on a subject at once. You merely have to think "on the other hand"

I do appreciate what you do here , but facebook is a perversion.
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