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No Better than Our Hate
Master of Schlock Tarantino Correctly Represents the American Character in Film Again
© 2015 James LaFond
In a nation where black on white rapes outnumber white on black rapes by 64 to 1, who can blame the anachronistic, metro-sadistic master of cinematic schlock for portraying a black on white homosexual rape gratuitously and in detail in a world where most of the internet band width is devoted to pornography?
Our society has been intentionally sculpted to achieve precisely that end, with the mainstream media dedicated to destroying the sense of agency lingering in the atrophied American testicle, for such a scene debases both parties to the imaginary atrocity.
It might interest the reader to reference this link to racial rape and murder stats:
I, for one, am glad that Mister Tarantino put a scene in his latest movie glorifying the gunpoint oral homosexual rape of a white Confederate by a black Union soldier. You see, I hate Tarantino’s work with a passion, with every one of his films denigrating fighting men of all races and types in an endless quest for emasculation, and serving “America’s appetite for the hideous.”
In an emasculated nation sadism should be rampant and it is. In primitive warrior societies where torture is valued either for sadistic purposes [Berbers and Tuaregs] or for the purpose of captives being given a chance to show their superior spirit by laughing at the torturers by suffering the utmost agonies with bravado [Iroquois and Algonquin] women have often been used as torturers, just as blacks were often used to torture other black slaves in America, for the simple reason that powerless people make the most sadistic torturers.
The point is that both characters are denigrated in this act, and I doubt very much that any combatant of that era would have done this, which is a very post modern ghetto black thing, and is an entirely anachronistic interloping artifice used to diminish the virtue of all fighting men. The movie in question is The Hated Eight, and someone who viewed it has noted that the rapist character gets castrated at the end, which is Tarantino’s mission, spreading the ethic of emasculation, singing the song of the barren goddess he worships with his flaccidly raging flute.
Nothing could be more important to the cause of establishing feminist monotheism than the death of the notion that fighting men might behave with honor toward one another and might seek decency even in the plying of the grim art. No group has done more to advance the warriors arts than the Indo-European man. The war arts are the only hope of the slave that thirsts for freedom, therefore this war-making bloodline must be disgraced and extinguished if Mother Earth is to develop into the hive mind that is the Nirvanic dream of all of those who fear the onus of their own agency.
Today, black men are the martyred saints of our dominant guilt-based culture and all white men who do not wallow in guilt are its detestable villains. The desire among many black male criminals to receive oral sex from white men is well-known—and if 2015 is not the year of the sainted criminal I'm not a crackpot.
Over the past three decades I have had dozens of black men and youth insist that I perform oral sex on them even as they threatened me with injury, maiming and death, and since none of them got their edifying blow job they can now find comfort in Samuel L. Jackson's fictional Confederate head.
Note the comic insistence on white on black homosexual oral sex in the early article linked below that I posted on this site in 2012.
It is a current rite among black gangbangers to force those prospective members who are suspected of lacking the grit to enter the gang, to perform public oral sex on a gang member who holds a gun to their head. Tommy Sotomayor once did a video on this obsession among black men, being the test of character “Will you suck dick or take the bullet in the brain?”
In Juvenile detention facilities [according to a 2013 survey by the DOJ], black guards often force juvenile offenders to perform this act.
Tarantino’s particular obsession with torturing and humiliating male characters has propelled him to the top of his field, and rightfully so. Every great nation should have a poet that accurately distills its character into art, and Tarantino appears to be America’s Moral Poet.
The real reason why I am thrilled about the revelation in the following link was that the mainstream media had convinced my dear 73-year-old mother that this film was the action movie to see, with all of the feminine talking heads espousing it as high art. Now I have an excuse to cancel the trip to the movies I reluctantly agreed to. Mom and I disagree on many things. We will both agree that viewing a depiction of graphic forced homosexual mouth rape in a gratuitous context is not the way to spend our time together.
Thanks to Mescaline Franklin for sharing this link with me.
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