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The Most Violent Cities in the World
The Mexican Government Released its Report on 2014
© 2016 James LaFond
“The pics in this are crazy. I think its hilarious I have no desire to ever go to 49 of these cities and I spend every six weeks or so in one of them.
“B-More is in there but the lowest ranking US city..still think about it..St Louis, Nawlins and Detroit are isolated areas in the outskirts of the US they can develop into weird horrible ghetto zones away from the mainstream of the nation...
“B-More is 40 miles from the capital and right in the most populous and prosperous region of should be harder and more influenced by the surrounding trend and ITS NOT!
“Little Honduras whups everyone's ass and Kingston is smack dab in the middle.”
-Mescaline Franklin
Are we still on the same planet?
The Neo-Nazis at this Daily Stormer site have a non-aggression clause and an elected liberal official calls for violence against police?
Hopefully, the hard work of the Harm City Hoodrats will get Baltimore moved up on the list. However, it does seem that the international competition is extremely tough. It might seem like a tough climb, but with the influx of military age males from many of these most violent places on earth there is hope that America will crack the major leagues…
For the hopeful 2015 Baltimore scouting report, see the second link below.
On a eugenic note, since I’m commenting about a racially conscious site, who ever thought it was a good idea to crossbreed Conquistadors with Aztecs and other New World cannibals?
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