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Z-Man 2 versus V-She
A Combat Query from Mescaline Franklin on Razor Fighting
© 2016 James LaFond
“The white guy looks like a Z-man to me, It could be a tranny or Grace Jones’ niece. But I don't trust the news saying it’s a woman...not sure what type of razor she/he has. If they had followed the James LaFond method of not talking they might have been uncut.
“Once the slice-slice was on though, what should have been done? Z-Man 2 was lucky Rupaul was not more proficient!’
-Your Evil Racist Brother, Mescaline Franklin
Alright, Bro, before looking at the video:
1. Leave bitching to the bitches. If he was running his mouth he deserves a slit throat, or, well, a slit… Any man who acts like a woman deserves what he gets.
2. The razor in all varieties is better in the grapple for pressure cuts than it is at range slashing. If this bitch puts an empty hand on the dude and then starts filleting, then she’s done this before and deserves the unsavory win.
This bitch owned that train, totally imposed her will among a pack of cowards.
All the men in that car deserve execution behind the train station and are to be immediately removed from the gene pool.
As Fuhrer, I would promote her to talent scout for the Hoffin MissMiss Sheer Troopers.
If I actually cared about the douche bag dude and his midget Alpine breeder, I would have recommended a lunging finger jab to a clinch, then a heel hook push. When she went down he should hold onto the bars and jump up and down on her face.
The blade was a small utility razor like you can buy at the dollar store, which are not lethal unless they get to your neck. Against slashing blades, I recommend eye jabs, against stabbing blades clinching.
Now, if the guy had not been a bitch, when she began threatening him for talking, he should have gone stone silent, patiently waited for her to leave, and then followed her off the car and taken her down from behind, then tearing her shoes off and beating her unconscious with her own heels. Honestly, he wasn’t even up to that, and she probably could have taken him unarmed.
Every single thing he did and said was wrong and could be used as a reverse raining tape.
Eradiate his sperm.
Erase his name.
Andy Yo-Clocker
harm city
Hidden Hands
search for an american spartacus
your trojan whorse
thriving in bad places
blue eyed daughter of zeus
on the overton railroad
‘in these goings down’
the lesser angels of our nature
Mesc Franklin     Jan 5, 2016

Nero The Pict     Jan 6, 2016

Your comments about the guy that continued to talk yang to the lunatic castrati were spot on.

He is lucky that Ru Paul wasn't carrying a more serious blade.

Razor attacks have an illustrious history aside from 9-11 (if you believe the narrative).

The fabled British soccer hooligans of the 70's and 80's regularly carried "Stanley" knives (aka retractable box cutters) and used them to pretty grievous effect...One trick was to place two blades into the blade holder that would leave a wound that would make it harder for hospital personnel to treat.

One of the other nasty things they would do would be to slice their enemies starting at the corner of the mouth...Depraved for sure. So common was this practice that there was a term coined the "Chelsea Smile". I'm sure there are pictures if you would like to google it.
James     Jan 8, 2016

Leave it to the Brits!
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