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Understanding America in 4 Conservative Sentences
Blaming the Target of Aggression: 'He Should Not Have Been Carying That Much Money'
© 2016 James LaFond
I just had a talk with an intelligent member of my family who votes, believes in right and wrong, and thinks that there is always a way to follow lawful channels to achieve justice.
Okay, okay—stop laughing.
The funny thing is the only people who ever used to accuse the system of blaming the victim were feminists who thought it was terrible that a scantily dressed woman would be regarded as more receptive and inviting to rape.
Now, with feminists and liberals in charge that is dogma.
Sluts are sacred, nearly as sacred as hoodrats.
In a discussion with a law abiding Christian voter, she was horrified over the fate of Andy, who was attacked by two men and fought them off, but lost has wallet and cell phone, then experienced the indignity of having the police refuse to file a report and tell him to get lost and not to assault and batter any more muggers, or else.
What are the elements of this person's—a mainstream person who believes in what her government tells her—assertion, to serve as a reflection of the societal values she declares faith in, in her own words:
"He should not have had that much money on him."
This was the first thing she said and the key point of her opinion that the crime here was the taking of the money, not the act of aggression. She felt that the physical actions of Andy fighting back made this a voluntary contest and not an attack and defense, which is exactly what the media pushes down our throat—fights not attacks. The fact that a man's Autonomy was violated means almost nothing to her or society. His combat effectiveness was not commendable in her eyes or the police department's.
"That's terrible. He shouldn't have to fight. There should be more police."
The belief that the system is not corrupt and wrong but underfunded is the mainstay of human domestication and accounts for our enslavement, dependent as it is on the degenerate values of our materialistic slave cult. The use of the word should is the feminine form of submission to enslavement, with those believing that should belongs anywhere in a discussion of reality, real conditions and actions, exhibiting symptoms of domestication. Whenever a person uses the term should when discussing a tragedy they are fleeing in their mind into a realm of fantasy.
"He should have stayed and insisted that the police fill out a report."
The belief in the essential goodness of evil institutions is unshakable among voters who, by that very act, even if their man never gets elected, feel vested in the State institutions. This is simply genius. I retorted, "Look, he's a low income white trash guy. The cops would have beat his ass if he refused to obey their directive to leave the station."
"If he was better spoken and educated and drove this would not have happened and if it did the police would have been receptive to his complaint."
Of course, she was right on this account, which marks the everlasting victory of evil in the human mind, the form of Aristotelian confidence, that so long as the State serves the need of its rare ideal citizen it is just, and that all of those who reside outside the ideal are thus justly enslaved.
Permit me to distill this mainstream, American, Christian, conservative's statement into a functional creed for the indoctrination of young Americans.
The American Civic Creed
Do not carry cash or valuables.
Do not fight, the police will protect you.
Vote for increased police powers.
Demand that the police do your bidding.
Graduate from university with a degree and speak like it.
Do not walk or use mass transit, but buy a car and drive it.
Society will now serve your needs, citizen.
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