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‘The Hip German Rebel’s Fantasy’
Black and Blonde, LINH DINH
© 2016 James LaFond
• JANUARY 4, 2016
If a society in decline emulates the lower class and exports its basest attributes, what does one say about the society that consumes that export?
Linh Dinh gives an overview of the insanity of Germans who identify with American gangster culture.
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Mesc Franklin     Jan 10, 2016

The germans can be seen as ground zero for the post war narrative inculcation that would soon be foisted on us after being tested on them first.

Deviously studying the historic german predilection for both obedience to authority and still the individualistic/rebellious streak in many of them showed how to cow them although it was facilitated by the most direct application of military force..
Herzog     Jan 10, 2016

Germans being so obedient to authority—was it really always so? Is this not perhaps a bit of a facile trope? Quite a bit of rebelliousness and anarchic spirit in the older days, before 1750 or so, roughly, my gut tells me. Can't cite chapter and verse though, just instinctual from assorted historical readings over the decades.

The readiness to accept by and large just authority, certainly noticeable in Germans since the 1850s, may even be a result of exposure to too much anarchy earlier, be it in their own country or be it as spectators of, say, the French Revolution bloodbaths.

French history for many seems to be the matrix for the proper process: You have to decapitate your king, otherwise you're incomplete as a country. But aren't more negotiated transitions perhaps a sign of a better-functioning polity?

Anyhow, at this point in history we certainly need our rebellious streaks to surface again more. That unfucked bloat of a woman a the country's helm is putting up a giant shit test for the German men (what's left of us), mindlessly sacrificing thousands just for her spiteful tingles.
James     Jan 11, 2016

I was hoping to hear from you on this, Herzog.

It seems we may have our own "unfucked bloat of a woman" at America's hip hop helm before long.

Mesc Franklin     Jan 11, 2016

Check Your Spengler in the Hour of Decision..he mentions the so called "obedience to authority" stereotype of the Germans being nuanced and still quite individualistic..they gave their loyalty to

those they respected and who maintained order but hardly in a

slavish or slave like way. He mentions Frederick the Great as an example..they gave him loyalty and fealty because they knew he was the hardest working man in the Kingdom.

Junger was not against the idea of authority yet he had yet to see one that was legitimate or worthy of respect so he was basically am Anarch (his word) by default. I feel similarly.

Shout out to my german brothers, we know what is going on there..don't let the allies/bolsheviks have the final victory!
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