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Crackpot 5.0
Site Updates for 2016
© 2016 James LaFond
Many moons into Charles’ online brainstorm, it seems we are a month from unveiling the internet innovation that is eventually going to get shutdown.
More importantly, I’m still hovering on the brink of sanity in a race to download all of this stuff I can’t forget into word files so that I might hopefully be relieved of thinking about it all.
Of course, one city bus could amend all of these pressing concerns in an instant…
As I am always writing multiple books at the same time, which does help increase my output, I have found myself at the mercy of fickle chance, which seems to have conspired to have numerous books ready to wrap up at the same time, resulting in me taking a two week hiatus from productive writing on a roughly seasonal basis in order to publish all of this stuff so that Ted in Romania and Jack in Texas can expand their James LaFond library.
This state of affairs is irksome to the crackpot soul.
Beginning today, I turn over a less erratic leaf, and will do everything I can to abide by the following writing schedule:
Sunday: Decide what book is closest to being fished, announce it in writing, thus bringing the performance pressure and then write what the hell I want
Monday: Finish writing and compiling the book I slated for completion on Sunday
Tuesday: Write whatever I want
Wednesday: Proof, edit and publish the book finished on Monday, and hopefully post something worthwhile on the site
Thursday: Write what I want!
Friday: Write an article for and then write whatever strikes my fancy
Saturday: Write only what I want to write.
I’m hopefully going to have success in this. My high energy days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and have limited my commitments to those times.
The book that is closest to being completed is Little Feet Going Nowhere, now officially this week’s title. Hopefully completing that tomorrow will also leave me with enough time to spew forth otherwise.
‘Matriarchal Neanderthals?’
author's notebook
Dice and Die
'in these goings down'
time & cosmos
america the brutal
menthol rampage
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