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Refusing to Go Away
[The Testimony of Alexander Grigerson]
© 2016 James LaFond
Alexander Grigerson depones, that he and another boy (whose name he does not remember) were coming from the Mill of Crathy, where, they had been seeking their meat, and near to a birch wood near to the Kirk of Crathy, three countrymen on horseback came up with them, but the deponent knew none of them; and they asked the deponent and the other boy that was along with him, if they would go with them, and they would clothe them like gentlemen, and said very kind things to them; but the deponent, being older than the other boy, made answer, that they would [not] go along with them; for it struck the deponent in the head, that perhaps he and the other boy were to be carried abroad, in respect of a rumour prevailing in the country, that young boys were carried abroad at that time.
Depones, that upon their refusing to go away with the said three men, they said they would force them, and thereupon alighted from their horses; and while the said three men were tying their horses to growing trees, he, the deponent, and the other boy, ran away into the wood, and hid themselves into a thick bush, and the three men followed them, but did not find them, though they passed by within three yards of them; and the deponent heard one of them say, " a Go you that way, and I shall go this way, and if we can find them in this bush, we can easily take them up."
Depones, that he and the other boy stayed about half an hour in the bush, till they found the said three men were gone away, and then he, the deponent, and the other boy, went back to the Mill of Crathy.
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