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In An Age without Gray
Nero the Pict on the Slavers Who Did Not Own Slaves and Erasing History: Endnotes
© 2016 Nero the Pict
James, I think you will find this interesting:
It’s funny most people alive today look at history like it’s some sort of NFL contest or a comic book (Batman vs. the Joker) Good vs Evil clearly delineated...I'd bet if you told the average person on the street about white slavery in the Colonies or West Indies they wouldn't believe you. They certainly would think you a nut job if you spoke to them of blacks owning other blacks. Not always for altruistic reasons. Hell most black slaves ended up here because they were slaves of other blacks (or Muslims) who sold them to whitey.
I don't know if you saw this but it makes my skin crawl and my blood boil:
History cannot be erased. Taney was a scumbag on many counts but then again I could say that about every single member of the Supreme Court and US president. It’s a good statue, fits well into the landscape that is in...and none of the bums that sleep in that park at night know nor care who he is.
Taking away the Lee Jackson memorial is just savage...Right across Wyman Park Dell is a beautifully done monument to the Grand Army of the Republic. The two statues offer a nice contrast to one another. Lee and Jackson were both men of honor...not with out there faults (especially Lee). Hell, Jackson did a fair amount for blacks. I cop to a fair amount of indignation at this because my great-great grandfather was a Confederate partisan (ok a bandit...) in the hills of West Virginia and Western MD. I am under no illusions about the Confederacy. However the attempt to erase history is criminal and plain loathsome.
As an aside what artistic abominations will replace this statuary??? Post-modern Afrikan BS??? The same sort of shit that graces the front of Penn Station? Aka the Tranny statue? Glad I don't live in Baltimore any longer.
If you need a U-lock [to work out a functional combative use for it] I think I might have a worn out one I can send your way...give me an actual address to send it to.
Nero, thanks so much for the links. I detest comic books as a medium for the very reason you delineate. Comics and team spectator sports wire men to think in feminine terms. Mescaline and I are scheduled to photo Baltimore Civil War monuments before they are removed or defaced, which they will be. Unfortunately, history is sometimes erased and usually defaced. We will preserve what we can, just in case anyone with a shred of curiosity survives this mind-numbing age.
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