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To Be Earned Over to the Plantations
© 2016 James LaFond
James Robertson, stabler in Aberdeen, depones, that about seventeen years past the month of May last, the deponent was employed by James Smith, saddler, as keeper of several young boys, the youngest of whom would have been about ten years of age [1], and some of them sixteen and upwards, who were indented, and their indentures attested by the Magistrates of Aberdeen, to be earned over to the plantations in America, along with other servants, both men and women of full age, also indented and attested by the Magistrates of Aberdeen, to be shipped on board a ship lying at the harbour of Aberdeen, then commanded by Captain Robert Ragg, ship-master in Aberdeen, and which ship was carried over to Tory, where she lay and received the said boys on board of her. The deponent was some time afterwards employed, by the said James Smith, to go over and stay on board the said ship, as a keeper [2] of the said boys and other servants, to the best of his remembrance, for the space of twelve or fourteen days, till the ship sailed, and he went with them in said ship out of the harbour, till the ship was in the road [3] before Aberdeen, from whence he returned back to the town of Aberdeen.
Depones, that during the time that the said James Robertson was on ship-board as above, there was also another keeper, named Robert Adam, along with him, employed likewise to take care of the said boys and servants.
Depones, that all the night they were confined, and put to their beds in the hold of the ship, but all day had liberty to go upon the deck, and even to play them ashore, their keepers always looking after them: and some of them allowed to go to Helen Law's house, to help her on board with victuals for themselves and others.
Depones, that among the boys under the deponent's and the other keeper's care, there was a boy of about fourteen years of age, who was called Peter M. William. Depones, that Peter Williamson, whom he sees presently before him, is the same person that was then named Peter M. William, as he presently apprehends, but will not swear positively that he is the same person; for that Peter M. William had black brows, and was pock-marked, and so is Peter Williamson whom he now sees; but does not remember any boy then aboard called Peter Williamson; and that Peter M. William [3] was a stout, clever, rough lown [4], and very ill to guide.
1. This man has just damned the case of his employers with this admission, the law being 14 years of age.
2. A term used to described a jailer, not a caretaker.
3. A troublesome older boy, not the Peter taking the deposition.
4. Calm or peaceful, perhaps meant as quietly obstinate
To Furnish Diet to Boys and Servants
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