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‘Centralized Control is Now Disintegrating’
The Tipping Point by Gary North
© 2016 James LaFond
The Tipping Point gives a brief overview of the public school mess in California although it is a mess everywhere. The Tea Party Economist did a nice job of tying in an indication that home schooling is on the rise. Before putting on our rose colored glasses we should wonder if our slave masters will really go quietly into the night.
Will millions of government mind-goon educators give up without a fight?
Also, if the public schools do fold disastrously, will the Federal Government permit its brainwashing to abate, or will it begin sinking its hooks into charter schools, private schools and online schools, forcing political correctness along those lines?
I am thrilled to find out that the deliberate criminalization of public schools is backfiring, just a bit reluctant to count out the most powerful political entity yet spawned from the bowels of mankind.
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guest     Jan 27, 2016

Did you hear about SB 172, the bill which completely canceled exit exams for high school seniors in California? They even added a provision last month to "Retroactively remove the exam requirement all the way back to 2004. Students that previously were proven to fail these exams are now given a free pass."

All you have to do is show up for the diploma...

Or not even that, it will be mailed to you in spite!
James     Jan 27, 2016

This is even better than in Baltimore City, where the teachers work under a mandate to pass 95% of their students, no matter what. The fact that California is 5% a head of this backwater is not surprising.
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