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In Search of Pre-Human Things
Neanderthals, Denisovans and Pot-Bellied Hill
© 2016 James LaFond
Below are two video links for Neanderthal curious individuals. I really like the speaker in the first video, who is such a nerd he seems incapable of an agenda—he comes off as the pure fact chaser. The second video is nicely done and helped me understand what the Denisovan question is. At this point it seems clear that scientists are dealing predominantly in answering basic questions and that conjecturing too much is foolish. It is significant that the genetic scientist in the first video uses the terms Neanderthal and Human exclusively for them and us.
One thing does seem certain from the first presentation, that the Middle East was as key in pre-history as it has been throughout history. It seems that there is a small chance that any genes we carry from Neanderthals are left over from before they split off from our family tree. Even if this is the case it does not alter my affinity for them, as I have in common the status of a hunted kind, slated for extinction by a higher [global] power. There is also the fact that at the every place where our kind and their kind met, is the first evidence of monolithic building, long before agriculture, which has been imagined as a pre-condition for monolithic architecture and [I think foolishly] religion as well. View the third video for this.
Whatever the case may be, Europeans and people of European descent managed to overturn every other human society—and even overthrow God—over a mere few hundred years. If we are to look for anything particular about them, the most glaring difference is the conquest of the Neanderthal living space. Whether the resulting advantage over the rest of humanity was due to environmental [not of the social kind, but the actual environment], genetic or learned factors, or all three, who is to say?
Neanderthal and Denisovan Genomes
Pique Presentation
Pot-Bellied Hill
Gobekli Tepe
‘Chill Out’
video reviews
Sources of Identity
america the brutal
crag mouth
logic of steel
plantation america
the fighting edge
the combat space
Sam J.     Jan 28, 2016

Here's an...alternative view. Look at the Neanderthal links.

Do you believe what they're telling you or your lying eyes?

There was a paper I read one time that said way back when, (3000 B.C. ??) way back, a group of people came out of the Caucasus area and after that there was large scale burning and devastation of settlements.

To add even more to that weirdness here's a paper on a bigfoot?/human hybrid.

Look at the children. Hm...

Remember the "Mismeasure of Man" by Stephen Jay Gould? We now know he lied. Over and over. Completely lied. No chance he made a mistake. Some groups of people wish to completely banish the idea that people are different.
Anonymous     Feb 1, 2016

@Sam J.: Yep, Gould was a fuckin' lying lier who lied.

Jim, you should check out this guy's website:

He's co-author of THE 10,000 YEAR EXPLOSION. He's for HBD and he's an REH fan.
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