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‘Too Gross for Words’
A Note on Harm City Statuary
© 2016 James LaFond
As Confederate Monuments Come Down in 65% Black Baltimore, Drive To Build Statue To Feces-Eating Drag Queen Gains Traction
“This is too gross for words…we better hurry with our photo schedule!”
-Mescaline Franklin
Thanks for the heads up, Bro, but we knew it was coming. This is why those federal agents brainwashed that boy into executing those old black folks in church, to facilitate a national makeover. The people whose parents and grandparents built cities like Baltimore evacuated, because they did not have the grit that Granddaddy had. The real story of Baltimore is in front of Ravens Stadium, in which the white suburbanites, who fled Baltimore, but sink money into the sports venues, decided to build a statue of a violent. black, criminal screaming like a beast.
[By the way, I once interviewed a bouncer who had to punk Ray out because he was picking on a scrawny bar patron in an upscale Baltimore drinking establishment. Faced with a karate man of equal size, Ray backed down.]
Ray Lewis was one of the best defensive players in Baltimore history, and he deserves his local fame. But why not build a statue of him stopping a play, running in an interception? Because he is the lap dog of white Baltimore and the hero of black Baltimore, dancing and prancing for whitey and at the same time serving as a role model for young blacks that anger is all you need to succeed, which plays into the liberal crime expansion agenda, harvesting white guilt and white fear at the same time to build a bigger State.
Look at the statute of Johnny Unitas doing what he did on the gridiron next to the statue of Ray Lewis, doing what he did not on the gridiron, but rather expressing the mindless rage of the ghetto, and you get the picture. Suburban Marylanders love the idea of having the most violent, most criminal players available from the African American college draft, on their team. I have heard many Ravens fans boast of this distinction. Last year we had five felons on the team!
You heard it here first:
We will be white man monument free in Baltimore. If you give over a city to a people who have nothing in common with it, who were treated like dogs for most of its history, expect them to renovate according to their own values, aspirations and beliefs—such as...
Below is the link to the article Mescaline linked to us, as well as links to more recent monuments than the Lee Statue.
Feces Eating History
By the way, the John Waters movie referenced in this article is beloved of liberal Baltimore whites, not blacks, most of whom could not name it. As a group, blacks in Baltimore are also more critical of flamboyant gays then are the whites.
Johnny Unitas Memorial
Ray Lewis Memorial
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Bernie Hackett, Jr.     Jan 30, 2016


This really ramped up the ol' hypertension.

A prime example of the insanity prevailing since St. Trayvon was martyred, followed by several marginal people, elevated to sainthood solely for being shot for essential stupidity. Play dumb games, win dumb prizes.

Gosh, didn't they get "the Talk"? The Atlantic was wrong? T. Nehi Coats, as well?

I don't see the connection, but then I'm not attuned to modern sensabilities and stuff. Suddenly, as some result, in the best 1984 style, history has to be rewritten, and any artifacts purged, so that a small (literally and figuratively) group of the perpetually aggrieved can be placated, until the next distraction. Look, a racist!

In an unrelated note, there is a bust of Frank Zappa in front of the library in Highlandtown. Some fans in Eastern Europe paid for it.

I conclude that our former title as "The Monumental City" is like a lot of other bad stuff, no longer taught in them reputedly first rate skuls of ours?

It is certainly appropiate that the Divine memorial; is going up in the Mt. Vernon cultural district, on Tyson St., no less.
James     Feb 1, 2016

Bernie, at least you remembered that St. Trayvon died for our sins!
Bernie Hackett     Feb 2, 2016

Praise Obama! Preach it, Pastor Jim! Is there gonna be bingo?
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