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‘Never Play or Posture at Violence’
A Predictable Outcome by Vox Day
© 2016 James LaFond
“Did this even make the news? I too wonder what they were trying to accomplish.”
-Mescaline Franklin
Tonight I discover that the tactical vehicle my friends saw “prowling” around Baltimore after the blizzard and the absence of my own personal police helicopter over White Avenue was part of an anti-looting operation conducted with federal help, and that a recent, brazen on-camera hitman was apprehended by a Federal task force a few miles from my lair. Last April, when the Mare of Baltimore—in consultation with the DOJ—announced that looting and arson would be permitted city wide, I suspected it was a ploy to justify federalizing of Baltimore City law enforcement, and we are underway, with a 20-agent Federal task force from every branch of federal law enforcement, which is still in town and getting some things done.
Then I find the missive and link above in my in box and begin following a long discussion about some militia types defying the Feds in a wildlife refuge on the upper Left Coast?
This is all new to me and I suppose that readers at this site may well be interested in this brief post and the extensive comment stream. I have no idea what this was about, but if the logic was to garner press attention the people in question failed the demographic media test. In my opinion, giving the enemy what they want, what they need, is never a good idea, and what the Federal Government is ever in need of is an openly defiant target.
Oh, I am glad to report that my personal police chopper is back, having helped apprehend a woman driving a van used to loot pharmacies while the city was clogged with snow.
Danish Girl Charged With Crime
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Ishmael     Jan 28, 2016

James, Mesc, this is about grazing rights, the sage brush rebellion, governmental bullies, the Feds dictating how to manage the vast holdings of land owned by you and I, but answering to a decadent and broken administration, think twice about defiant behavior, this is wrong on both sides of this argument, but the Feds hold all the keys to the armorers cabinet, like England did during the revolution, today's Patriot is labeled a terrorist, big set of shackles to throw off this time, the sheeple will never raise their heads , too well fed and the "superbore" is on the tely, no time for serious thought.
Nero The Pict     Jan 29, 2016


If you would like to research this topic further....Check out the website Western Rifle Shooters: (the FBI footage of the car chase supposedly undoctored)

A militia-centric site for sure. Honestly, one of the more interesting aggregators of news etc out there. You can scroll down and read the day by day play by play "Malheur News Dump" links.

Thing is I can save you some time. A bunch of dudes that have never really seen the results of the Leviathan (ala Baltimore, Camden, Gary Indiana) and likely watched Red Dawn too many times thought they were gonna stand up to that evil tranny tyrant Unclette Samantha.

What these men failed to realize is that they are playing ball against an enemy that has less of a moral compass than a common Odonnell Heights crack whore. More vicious to boot.

They had honor and principle. Their enemy does not (and cannot) have honor. Lastly, their big mistake was to think that "their" government would somehow be receptive. Ha! That's like a gazelle that is being eaten by a lion asking the lion to stop chowing down.
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